Database Tools -> Compact and Optimize

Started by DieterSnoopy, August 07, 2013, 05:24:34 PM

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After some testing with images i'm deleting many folder from the database (via "Remove from Database"). After this i compact and optimize the database but the size of the database is unchanged.

My tests yet shows that the database size will be always increase and never be descrease.

Is this behaviour correct or make i some mistakes?

Greetings Dieter


How large is the database file on disk?
How many files did you remove?
If you remove several thousand files you should see a decrease in disk space usage under normal conditions.


I have test this with several databases. One was about 4GB big with appr. 25000 files. After deleting round about 15000 files the database size was (nearly) unchanged.

The second try was with a new database with 5000 files and removing 2500 files. I both cases the size is unchanged (see attached files).

Greeting Dieter

[attachment deleted by admin]


Is the Compact very fast (a few seconds) or does it take some time?
Can you set IMatch to debug logging, repeat the operation, and ZIP/attach the log file.
Maybe there is a problem and the Compact cannot complete the operation.

See the IMatch help for details about the application log file.


The Optimizing and compacting of the DB take some times (more than 10s).

After deleting ALL files from the DB the size is not decreasing.

Attached two file (one without deleting files and the second one with deleting files)

[attachment deleted by admin]