Filters... advise

Started by Aubrey, June 06, 2016, 05:51:36 PM

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I have a folder with a number of DNG files. I only want to show these files.

When I use the filter above the file window and type in dng, only a few files appear. not the complete set.
If I go to the main filter and select File Name and the "ends with" and type in dng I get exactly what I want.

Note that when I go to the filter above the file window the panel immediately below is grey (i.e., showing that no filters are active), so it's not as if I have something else active.

It's not a big deal but a little frustrating.

I must be missing something!



Aubrey, and you did not forget to choose "Search file names only"? (on the right near the cross)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


QuoteWhen I use the filter above the file window and type in dng, only a few files appear. not the complete set.

1.  Where do you search. The file window search bar can search in selected metadata, all metadata, file names, and everywhere.
Make sure you set it to search in file names if you want to search for file extensions.
And then, search for .dng or whatever

Click into the search bar and press <F1> for detailed information.

2.  The file name filter by default ignores the extension. Did you disable this option when you want to search for the extension?

3. When I would need to filter the file window for a certain file format, I would use the File Format filter. Much more convenient.
It shows all file formats in the scope (file window) and lets you pick the ones you want to see (or hide)


Hi Markus Mario,

first of all, Markus:
I had forgotten, but checked this and files only was what was set. The issue is I'm seeing too few files!

I've run database diagnostics - no issues. Strange only a "sub-set" of images in the folder are affected. These are what I exported from LR6 today.

Thank you for reminding me of the file format filter, I had forgotten, much better than worrying about file extension.

Attached is a screendump of dng section in file name, only 9 files appear. Yet if one looks in File format of the filter there should be 43 Adobe DNG files. The selection was set to
"Search File names only"

Also attached is screendump using file format. This correctly shows the number of DNG files...

It's not an issue for me I'll use the file format filter.



In the first screen shot, did you check that you were actually searching in the file name, and not the metadata?


I think so. I wanted to show that only 9 files were selected and so did not show that "Search file names only" was invoked.
The attached jpg shows this.



I cannot reproduce the effect. When I search for .nef in a folder containing 20 .NEF files, I get all 20 files.


Could it have to do something with stacking/Versions?

In the results with 43 images we have 2 images with "woman and child". The first has no icon of stacking or versions.

In the results with the 9 images is only 1 image there with this subject, but with an icon as a master stack.

Only a question.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Hi Markus,
I unstacked version still the same issue.

I then moved all the relevant files to a new subdirectory called Test. Checked again, and the fileviewer filter worked perfectly.
Moved files back to original folder, again everything worked.
I Then "version stacked files" everything worked.

Some weird gremlin in my workflow on this occasion.



you mean, now all works as expected?
All is fine now?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I think I am getting close to understanding what is happening. I have had a similar issue today with a complete new set of images. I was not expecting it and so details are few.

My workflow is:
Load images to IM6 into a new folder
Select images for processing in LR6
Export resulting files from LR6 in DNG format
Rescan IM6 folder to pick up DNG files

I think that the issue occurs in one of the following steps (possibly the write category to keyword, next week when performing a similar workflow on a new set of images I will check)

Annotate DNG
Categorize images
Write category to keyword

Select DNG images for batch processing (using fileview filter).... hmmm only a few files show up.

To resolve I did the following (as described in an earlier post in this thread):

Move all my DNG images to a new folder
Check that they all show up when fileview filter switched on
Move files back to original folder
Fileview filter now works fine all DNGs show up.

No need for a response from Sinus or Mario to this post; this is more of an aide memoire for me when I check the workflow next week ( and hopefully remember to switch on debug logging  ;) )

