Rating and Label

Started by Frank, August 10, 2013, 08:48:35 AM

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When sending 16 files to my viewer and press for example 3 for 3 stars imatch need about 1,5 second to show the wanted stars within the collection view or within the lower left corner. While I go over my selected files imatch shows in the right hand lower corner that there are filoes beeing processed.

Doing this stuff in imatch 3 it is much faster. Is there someting to speed it up?

See also attached log file

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When you say "files are being processed" do you mean IMatch is ingesting files in the background, or does IMatch write out changes to the files on disk?

If IMatch is ingesting files in the background, all operations will be slowed down. You could never experience this because in IMatch 3 the user interface was blocked completely while files were being read in. IMatch 5 allows you to continue but as I explained in the help and in many messages here, this added flexibility comes at a price.

Setting a label requires a few dozen write operations to the database (updating the label data, updating all depending catgeories, collections, updating the search engine index, re-evaluating relation rules etc.). If IMatch is busy adding files to your database, any of these operations may be delayed because several parts of IMatch compete about the database, and the disk can only read and write so much data at a time.

When you set IMatch to write out changes immediately (Edit > Preferences > Background Processing), setting a label in the viewer will:

1. Set the label in the database
2. Trigger ExifTool to write all changes to the file on your disk
3. Re-ingest modified metadata back into the database
4. Update all data-driven categories
5. Update all collections depending on the label and other changed metadata

Since you did not give me more details, I can only guess which of these reasons is it.


as shown in picture "Zwischenablage00.jpg"imatch has nothing to do. All files are indexed.
In picture "Zwischenablage03.jpg" you see that all settings are disabled
Picture "Zwischenablage01.jpg" shows that after editing the rating the application is doing something.
And at the end imatch tells me that what can be seen in picture "Zwischenablage02.jpg"

There is something what imatch is doing which leads the system slowing down while putting rating or label to pictures

Any idea?

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The screen shots do not help much. The application log file would be more helpful in this case.

But as I said, when you change the rating, IMatch will be busy. It will update categories, collections, the search engine. When the filter panel, the collection panel, the category panel are open, they will need to be updated. The file window will need to be updated.

When you set a rating in the viewer, the viewer sets the rating in the database. Then the entire processing starts and finally the collection overlay in the viewer receives the message that the rating of the current file was changed. On my machine there is maybe a one second delay between I press <3> and the collection overlay updates. Is this what you complain about, this short delay?


Hi Mario,
I really do not complain about the 1 second delay. It is just something which is different between imatch 3 and 5.
The only thing witch I would like is that I see first what I have entered and that imatch does the calculation afterwards (like writing in word and the grammar check comes later). Now I enter something wait 1 second and go to the next picture. The decission on how many stars a picture gets last until I press the button, than I have finished with that picture.
If I have to wait until I can go to the next picture I have to wait by tagging of 1000 pictures a quarter of an hour. If the system behaves like this and there is no other who want it faster than leave it as it is.

Imatch is the best DAM I have ever seen on the market



Hi Mario,
yesterday I have tested IMATCH (132) again and I find the waiting time for displaying the star is too long.
Currently I have about 50000 picures in the database and I have selcted a view in the explorer and send them to the viewer. Displaying the rating I want last between 2 and 3 second. I understood the reason but is there no way to speed that up and do all the calculation in backround?

At the moment the handling in that case is not fluent.


Just tried that. 200 files into the viewer. Display the collection overlay. Pressing <1> to toggle the start rating is immediate (16 milliseconds database time, about 200 milliseconds before the viewer shows the updated rating).

Please attach a log file in debug mode (Help > Support) from a session where you toggled ratings in the Viewer in build 132. This will show me how long it takes to set the rating.

Do you perhaps have enabled automatic write-back under Edit > Preferences > Background Processing? In that case IMatch automatically writes back all metadata to the file and re-imports the metadata afterwards.

Or do you have a complex versioning setup which propagates the new rating to several other files.


Hi Mario,
Attached you will see the logfile.

I do not have automatically writeback enabled and I do not have a complex versioning rule implemented so far.

The problem is that I do have to wait about 2 - 3 seconds until I can see the rating in the window


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Any solution for that available in future?


I have not even looked further in this.  Performance issues come after real bugs in my book.
I can toggle ratings in the viewer in less than 0.2 seconds, even running IMatch in a Virtual PC running a Windows 8.1 system.

@Other testers: How long takes it on your systems when you toggle a rating in the viewer?
Please state if you use immediate write-back or not because this will impact performance.


I have also experienced delays before the rating is displayed, but I believe this is related to Imacth being busy with the display of the image, not the actual rating activity. When the display-activity is done, the rating always appears instantly. While rating, the popup with "Background activities finished" is showing in the lower right corner from time to time. Tested with 58 CR2's in Viewer. Immediate write-back OFF.


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-- Vidar


It's very fast on my machine too unless (as Vidar mentioned) IMatch is busy doing something else at the same time, then it can take a second or two.


I sent 50 pictures to the viewer and right clicked on an image and chose rating and then 4 stars and it was almost immediate.  I do not have automatic write-back enabled.

Hope this helps