PSB support please

Started by mking, August 12, 2013, 12:13:45 AM

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Hi Mario, sometimes my stitched 16bit images are too big for Tif (>4G) and I am forced to use the Photoshop large file format PSB.
Is support for PSB planned in Imatch5 ? Right now I can't get even a small 8bit, single layer PSB in RGB to display in the viewer.

Ideally I would love 16bit RGB and LAB support. for PSB.

As always your effort and attention is much appreciated.



IMatch supports PSB files, but not that size. This will require a complete new set of third party image libraries and a conversion of IMatch into a 64-bit application. Pano files are truly an exception because of their sheer size. Pano applications are especially designed to handle files this size, a document management system like IMatch is not.

I have this on my to-do list, though.