Installation problem - missing api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll [resolved]

Started by Panther, August 07, 2016, 09:55:21 PM

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Finally finished my testing of the latest version (5.6.22) on my copy of iMatch and was ready to get my second licensed copy installed on my wife's laptop so she could start playing with it.  Checked her laptop's specs against the info on the web site and everything looks good there.

Copied the imatch_5_6_22.exe file I D/L'ed from the iMatch web site onto her laptop (her laptop is an off-line machine so I had to use the one I D/L'ed on my PC and move it over to hers on a USB flash drive), and installed iMatch from that file.  Everything seemed to go fine during the installation process, but when I try to start iMatch it throws off a system error that says  api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll is missing from the computer and suggests re-installing the program to fix it.  I've tried that a couple of times, but no luck.

I figured I would just copy the api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll file from my PC (where iMatch is working fine), but to my surprise when I search on my PC for that file it doesn't find it.  How come her laptop needs it to run iMatch but my PC doesn't?

Any idea what's going on and how I can fix it? 

[EDIT] After more searching on the web I stumbled on something saying this might have to do with not having a specific Windows Update installed.  So, I D/L'ed the update on my PC (vc_redist.x64.exe) and ran it on my wife's laptop, and sure enough iMatch starts up just fine now.  I had to reinstall iMatch (telling it to run as an administrator) in order to make scripting available, per the error message iMatch threw off, but now that I've done that all seems well now.

BTW - the error message from iMatch about the scripting thing could probably be worded better - it said to re-run "the program" (which I interpreted to mean iMatch itself) so that it could register the scripting stuff, but that didn't work - I had to actually re-run the installation program for iMatch as an administrator before that part worked.  Might help to clarify that in the error message, but in any event all seems to be well at the moment.