Description what the icons (pins, color)I use in IMatch stand for - where is it?

Started by lightchaser, August 05, 2016, 06:01:48 PM

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Please help me with the following problem. I once found the possibility in IMatch to make a document in IMatch with descriptions what the colors, pins and so on stand for. I`ve made this some time ago and now can`t find it anymor. Where could it be? Any idea?


I'm not sure that I understand your question, sorry.
You can ask in Deutsch if you put [GERMAN] in front of the subject line of your post.

There is no meaning associated with the colors available for pins, flags or dots.
One user may put unfinished files into the "red dot" collection, another one may mark especially important files with a "red dot."
Some users may not use collections at all.

The same is true for XMP color labels. A label is just a text. Some applications may use label names like "New", "Finished", "For Review", "For Printing" while others use "Protect", "Review" or "Archive". The colors you can associate with label names in IMatch can be freely chosen. I have tried to find a default setup and color assignments that match the most frequently used applications out there.

The icons used in the IMatch file window are listed and explained in the IMatch help system. Just click somewhere in a File Window to make it active, then press <F1> to open the help.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hallo Mario,
ich habe bei IM5 eine Möglichkeit entdeckt, meine Definitonen für die Zuordnung von Farben und Pins etc. wie ich sie verwende auch im Programm festzuhalten. Rot zB für Agentur sowieso, roter Pin für Verlag xy. Jetzt wolllte ich diese Definitionen in IMatch updaten und kann beim besten Willen diese Datei(?) nicht mehr finden. Hast du eine Idee?


Keine Idee, was Du meinst...

Du kannst einfach eine HTML- oder Textdatei erstellen und diese im der Schnellansicht anzeigen.
Oder Du erstellt ein einfaches Template im HTML-Format für das App-Panel.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


Pins do have properties, consisting of name ("Red", "Green") and a Description field.

Is this what you mean?

PS as far as I know the Description field is not editable
