Lab colour space support please

Started by mking, August 11, 2013, 05:38:08 PM

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Hi Mario,

Quite a few of my TIFs would not preview and I narrowed it down to them being in Lab colour space.
Any chance we could get Lab support?




I have several l-a-b samples here and they work.
Can you prepare a small sample and attach or send to me (see Contact below)?


Hi Mario, ok based on your feedback I did some further tests and problem is with 16bit Tif in Lab colour space.
If I convert them to 8 bit they display fine (but all my files are 16bit) I think you can test this by just converting some of your Lab test files to 16bit. It would be great to have 16 bit Lab support for Tif.

Txs Mike


IMatch supports lab, CMYK, duotone etc. color spaces, if there is support for these color spaces in the third party imaging libraries I buy and use for IMatch.

Currently lab support is not available for 16 bit TIFF files.
No support for 32-bit TIFF files either.

IMatch can index these files and extract metadata. It can also produce a thumbnail. But it cannot display the image in full-size.