New DNG preview issue

Started by muranod, September 26, 2016, 09:31:57 PM

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I still use Photoshop CS2, so I also have ACR 3.7 installed, as well as the latest version. When I'm in Imatch and open a DNG file, it goes straight to ACR 3.7, and then into Photoshop. After that, Imatch rescans the file and the Preview image is replaced by a vertical bars (see sample), though the thumbnail images do reflect the updated image.

I don't remember seeing this issue before now. I've tried changing options in ACR, but that doesn't help. Also tried re-installing the ACR plugin. I had the FPV codecs installed in the past, though I can no longer find the installation file to reinstall those. Are there any Imatch options that I can try to see if it will generate a proper preview?


OK, this is weird. I opened Lightroom and one of those files had a metadata conflict. I allowed Lightroom to overwrite the metadata and then it was once again viewable in Imatch.

Then I processed the same file through ACR to Photoshop from Imatch again and this time the preview was still viewable.  I picked the other files that had messed up previews and did the same to them, and now it's working again. (I had already done this multiple times with no success!) Also had tried all the force update options. So, I have no idea why, but it all seems to be working again.


This looks like the WIC DNG codec was unable to read the preview properly, or the preview was damaged.

Adobe is changing the DNG format all the time. This is no vendor-independent standard format anymore, mind. When Adobe needs something new for one of their applications, it changes the DNG format to meet their needs.

It is hence important that you always have the latest Adobe DNG WIC codec installed (or whatever codec you use to process DNG files).