Maps Fail (Again)

Started by StanRohrer, August 16, 2016, 01:04:25 AM

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Anybody got a clue how to get maps working again? I have OpenStreet and Google maps both failing to display maps.
I can log in to the site so I think my name and password is working for that site.

IM 5.6.22.


Maps work here without any problem.

Did you try to switch between OS and Google Maps? Different types of Google maps? Change the zoom level?

Usually such problems are caused by network problems, connectivity issues to the map servers etc.

As for Google Maps, Google changes their map programming interfaces very often, without giving notice. And then it fails until we all figured out what to change this time (not the reason this time, it works here without problems). The every-changing nature of Google Maps caused the OpenLayers developer to drop support for Google Maps in their current OpenLayers 3 version (IMatch 5 still uses version 2).
-- Mario
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My map is not working for weeks either. It does not depend on zooming, and OpenStreet and Google maps both failing. I did not realised any network problem, did not changed settings.


Any reports in the log file?
Which country do you live in?

Do you always use the same IP?
Maybe OL/Google has your IP blocked, or your IP range because it generated to much traffic.
Firewall settings OK?
IMatch allowed to go through the firewall?
Proxy settings perhaps? IMatch uses the default system settings, which you control via IE or Edge on your system.

Does the search function in the map panel work?

Can you do reverse geo-coding?

Does the GeoNames app work in the app panel?

IMatch just loads a HTML file which presents the map. Then OpenLayers communicates with Google, Bing, OSM automatically. IMatch it out of the loop, entirely. IMatch does not communicate with the map servers, it's all done by the JavaScript running in the web browser embedded in the map panel.
-- Mario
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Multiple zoom levels fail.
All map selections for OS and Google fail.
Has failed for weeks.
I haven't used Maps very much until an attempt a couple weeks back. I doubt over use concerns (lack of use was a consideration).
Win 10 Firewall settings and proxy have not changed to my knowledge.
I can login to and view maps using Chrome and IE.
IMatch 5.6.22.
I live in Ohio, USA.
Gotta run to work and will have to look at logs later.


Here all is working fine.
Specially the "open Street Map" works very quickly.

For Google Maps Satellite I have sometimes to wait 10 seconds or so.
And the longest I have sometimes (but only say 1 from 5 times) to wait for "Google Maps Hybrid".

So for me the map-Panel works fine.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


OpenStreet Map works here right away. For the Google Maps layer, I sometimes have to wait or try different layers before a map shows up in the Map panel.


I poked around some more and all of the sudden it started working for OS. Google had trouble but finally worked after doing G Maps Satellite. Then the others started working. Then I had trouble and then it came back.

I suspect one of the issues was I didn't have the button active for Auto Zoom to Active File. Perhaps I was out in the weeds somewhere. But the zoom level out to look at the world should have at least shown me continents or states and it didn't. Perhaps there is Internet connection issues but I don't have reason to think anything has changed, and certainly not within today's play attempts.

So I don't know what to think. Still playing and looking for clues.


Unfortunately I also have to report that since some weeks or so it takes ages before Openstreetmap loads the correponding map part. On the other hand, Google Maps works very well in all modes, however same observation as mentioned before in a different post: I also have to load the the satelite view first.

All this is not a real issue for me, but I think still worth while to report.

Regards, Juergen


Same happens to my system (OSM and Google as well)  >:( whilst "old" Geosetter works like charm :-)


Works great here. OpenStreetMap, Google and Bing. Also fast.

As far as I know, GeoSetter is hard-linked with Google and does not use the open source OpenLayers library.
I no longer have GeoSetter installed so I cannot tell, sorry.

Open Layer no longer supports Google in version 3 anyway, because Google no longer allows them to access their map tiles directly. And because of the many breaking changes in the Google map API over time.

IMatch AnywhereTM already supports the new, much faster OpenLayers 3, even if this means that there is currently no Google Maps support in the IMatch Weh ViewerTM. OpenStreetMap, Bing etc. support available.

I will probably have to implement and maintain (!) a completely separate module to support Google Maps, and then keep up with all the license and changing API challenges coming from Google. Not keen on that, really. Only if there is demand and sufficient sales to support the work.

IMatch 5 will stay on OpenLayers 2 to have Google Map support. If Google changes their API or license conditions again and breaks OpenLayers 2, we're in trouble.
-- Mario
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Same problem here since 2-3 weeks. The OSM map mostly open when I launch Imatch often not completely and then stays frozen for ages. Only Google Satellite opens instantly. Google Maps Streets and hybrid are fine when they open.

The same iamge file displays fine in Geosetter, Photo Mechanic and also in Garmin Basecamp where I have OSM and Garmin maps, they all work fine ans instantly.

The problem is really acute when I try to correct a location in IMatch: after some map moves and zooms everything apart from Google Satellite is frozen.



Any errors or warnings in the log?
The entire communication between the map providers and the map panel is done via the OpenLayers JavaScript library running in the browser that is embedded in the map panel.
IMatch itself does not do much, except from handing over the coordinates.

As I said, I seem to remember that GS uses Google Maps directly. Garmin uses their own proprietary maps. I don't know what PM does.

I just opened IMatch. Google Maps comes up (Hybrid) with the currently focused file centered.  Took maybe 3 seconds for the initial launch.
I then clicked my "all over the world" GPS image test set and the map followed immediately.

I don't even know where I could start searching for the problems you see...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Open please open the file


on your machine in Windows Notepad or another text  editor.

Make a backup copy of the original file before you start editing.

Search for the line containing <script src="  ...

and replace it with

<script src=""></script>

Save the file. Close and re-open the map panel afterwards (or click the reload button).
Any changes?

If not, change the 3.25 to 3.24. Save and close and re-open the map panel.
Any changes?

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I did the modification when IM was closed. Once open everything seemed fine: locations were shown on OSM (and google) maps. I went over a series of images with different location. After about 20 images I had to reload the map between successive images, then OSM froze and I was back to the previous situation (only Google Satellite really works).

I changed the 3.25 to 3.24 but it did not help.

I shut IM down, started again: still frozen. Went back from 3.24 to 3.25 : Google Streets opened immediately but OSM was blank.

It looks like some memory fills up and then is not refreshed. When OSM goes blank it is often gradual: only 1/2 of the panel is filled, then only 1/4, then it is all blank.


I just went through a long series of photos, with Google Maps Streets it functions nicely. OSM freezes and takes ages to melt (load)

I had exactly the same problem - OSM and Google maps unusable.  Made the edit posted by Mario and OSM functioned properly for a few images only, then became clogged again.  Google satellite view OK and continues to function normally (so far, so good).


I am having trouble getting any of the maps to load - although GM does fully load very slowly - it like OSM doesn't follow/ show the correct marker for the image. It's as though they have lost communication with each other.
Attached image shows the screen after 10 minutes loading for OSM.
Running latest update Win10 with Windows Defender. There was an update a few days back but this problem has been getting worse over the last week.
Geosetter works as normal as do the Canon editing programs. A shows a connection speed of 4.87 mbps which is as good as it gets in my neck of the woods.
I have noticed that for the first few minutes of starting iMatch it works fine then just gets more unresponsive.
Attached is debug log file which might have some information.
Many thanks


As your screen shot indicates, the OSM servers have problems delivering map tiles to your browser.
I cannot do anything about this in IMatch, the browser cannot download (some) map time images. Either OSM is overloaded (it's free, after all) or they have problems.

A quick check revealed that the response times are very slow and tiles are delivered only at certain zoom levels.
Wait a day, maybe it's better tomorrow. Or try Google or Bing.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Same problems here since several days.

I do not think it is the OSM server: With "" at "Geo-Panel Startseite", maps are loaded quickly, with "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\geo\imatchgeo_ol.htm" maps ar loaded very slow or even not.


IMatch uses the 3rd OpenLayers geo library to access OpenStreetMap and all other map providers since 2014.
That's all I can tell you. IMatch has no idea of how to directly work with OpenStreet ap , or Google, or Bing or MapQuest or whatever.

If there are now suddenly problems accessing some map providers or the OpenLayers map code in IMatch fails, I have not the slightest idea why, where to look and what to do about this.

I've made a quick check in IMatch AnywhereTM which uses version 3 of OpenLayers, and I see no problems with OpenStreetMap or Bing. OpenLayers 3 no longer supports Google Maps due to restrictions made by Google so I cannot test.

So somethingn has OpenLayers is broken recently. I will need to investigate this.
If somebody opens a bug report (link to this thread) I will allocate a time slot.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I've made a few checks.

Instead of linking to the OpenLayers web site and downloading OpenLayers from there I forked the latest github repo and changed the IMatch Map panel to a local copy of OpenLayers. Although OpenLayers 2 is considered final and stable (the current version is version 3, but it has no Google Maps so I want to stick to v2 in IMatch for now) they do occasionally bug fixes and it seems that the version in the repo is newer than the one IMatch can fetch from the official web site.

Initial tests show that the Map Panel works fine with the local OpenLayers version and that the problems with OpenStreetMap are gone. This will need some extra tests, though. If things work out OK, I will ship this changed version with IMatch 5.7.

And no, I will not charge you extra for this service. I'm not Ad...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I don't know if this will shed any light on this issue, but I was geo-tagging a number of images today, when the Map windows stopped updating: it stuck on the OSM map which would no longer update after a zoom; the window wouldn't update from the Google maps either (the Maps window was still showing the OSM map). My work-around was to close IM and restart it, at which point everything worked properly again. I had this happen more than once; stopping and starting IM solved the problem. I have no idea if the problem was local or something related to the OSM server. Logs attached.


No joy even with the most recent OpenLayers version. Google and Bing work great, OSM stops to deliver tiles (map segments) after a few tiles or files. The browser in the map panel just stalls, waiting for the OSM server to return tile data. This is nothing I can affect from my side. OSM is at the core of OpenLayers and the easiest map to use  - there are not even parameters. This usually just works, and did so since 2014.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I've been having the same problems too, it seems like about three weeks. I was searching to see if other people were.

The maps module was very useful while it worked and I hope it can get working again and be reliable.

I don't mind paying a small amount to a service provider if that makes things more reliable, or perhaps using offline maps ala OSM on the Android. I don't even know if that's possible on the PC. It seems like part of the problem is that "free" vendors like Google are shifting and it's too difficult to keep programming around these shifts.


According to the German OpenStreetMap blog, requests without HTTP referrer are handled with low  priority only. Reason given is too much traffic on the tile servers.
Frankly, I have no idea if IMatch uses HTTP referrers or not.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Quote from: thrinn on September 09, 2016, 08:07:26 PM
According to the German OpenStreetMap blog, requests without HTTP referrer are handled with low  priority only. Reason given is too much traffic on the tile servers.
Frankly, I have no idea if IMatch uses HTTP referrers or not.
The request to OSM is made by the OpenLayers framework used by IMatch, IMatch does not directly work with OSM.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I have the same issue here: OSM is very slowly or not delivering tiles (Shows in the status bar). Reverse Geocoding works fine.

I am running IM 5.7.2 on Win10 x64.

@Mario: Please find a solution! I rely very much on the geocoding with OSM. When it worked it was a great unique feature of IM! And I don't wanna do it in Lightroom, as it tells everything to Google ... :-(

I just checked Google maps: Works fast and fine (But as written before: don't wanna use Google ...)


I cannot find a solution, sorry. I don't even know where to look. As I said, IMatch does not interface directly with OSM. It works with OpenLayers to be compatible with all major map providers. IMatch does not speak to the OSM server, it only speaks to the intermediate OpenLayers framework. I don't know what has changed with OSM or why it's suddenly so slow to deliver map tiles. Or maybe it's neither OSM or OpenLayers, maybe it's something Microsoft did to the System WebBrowser Control which IMatch uses in the Map Panel that interferes...

I suggest you switch to Google Maps or Bing if you are affected by this issue.

IMatch Anywhere uses OpenLayers 3, which does not seem to have problems with OSM. But switching the IMatch Map Panel to OpenLayers 3 would mean to lose Google Maps, and this would be a bigger problem for most users than not having OSM working...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Ich habe leider dasselbe Problem, sowohl unter Windows 7 als auch unter Windows 10 - nach dem Starten von Imatch wird die Karte bei den ersten Bildern angezeigt, aber danach friert sie ein. Mit der Internetverbindung (6Mbit/s) gibt es kein Problem.
Auch bei mir funktionierte es bis vor ca. 4 Wochen noch einwandfrei und es war sehr angenehm mit der Kartenfunktion zu arbeiten.
Im Moment muss ich GeoSetter für die Positionierung benutzen, das einwandfrei funktioniert.


It's a little bid strange - since 2-3 days the map is working again fast as usual...
So it seems the problem is solved  :)


I just tried it again (Sunday afternoon in Berlin). Unfortunately for me the issue is still there.  :(
After changing the map two times the tiles from are loading extremely slow and at some point IMatch or OpenLayers runs into an timeout. The result looks like in the attachment.


Yesterday it worked well.
Maybe OpenStreetMap is overloaded?
Do Google and Bing work?

From the IMatch site, it's always the same code, independent from the map provider you use.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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