How do I remove a file from the database in iMatch

Started by clarkedesign, August 23, 2016, 08:22:55 AM

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Might sound like a dumb question, but how to I just removce a file from the database in iMatch and keep the actual file on disk.

I've looked everywhere and can't see this.


In the Help, under "File Management," it says:

Removing Files from the Database
On the rare occasion where you may need to remove a file from the database, but not from the disk, you can use the Remove File(s) from Database command available in the context menu of the file window, in the Additional Functions sub-menu. This command removes the file entry from the database, and also all associated data. The file on disk is not deleted.

If you rescan the folder, the file will be brought back into the database, unless you move it to another folder which is not indexed by your database.

* * * * * *

I've had to use this only a few times, but of course it works perfectly! 
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


QuoteMight sound like a dumb question, (...)

No dumb questions here. This friendly and skillful community is there to help and share.

@BanjoTom. Precisely  :)

Right-click the file, in the menu choose Advanced Commands > Remove file from database.