Category Tabs

Started by cthomas, November 22, 2016, 07:55:31 PM

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I'm trying to understand the use of Category Tabs. First column Visible: makes it so you can see it or not,  the next column: the name of the Tab, the third column:what is it used four, and the last column:allows you to move to a different place.

Please ex-plane what the third column:what is it used four


Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


You can see from my setup:
I have categories Where What When etc. Label defined in 2nd. column Which category in 3rd. column.

I also have a tab Nature, now Nature is a subset of What, so this is also defined in 3rd. column



The 3rd field is the most important once. Here you select the sub-tree of your category hierarchy you want to see in that tab.
The basic idea of the tabs is to allow you to put different 'sections' of your category hierarchy into them. This makes it easier to work with large or deep hierarchies.

A classic example are categories based on WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN.
Each of these top-level categories (or keywords) can be configured into one tab, allowing you to quickly pick categories from each hierarchy.

Users who work with taxonomies (e.g. for animals, chemicals etc.) use this feature to make their often very deep hierarchies manageable.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Do I have my Tabs set up correctly?  My main categories are What, When, Where, Who, and Why.

Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


Looks good to me. Do you see the expected categories when you switch to one of the tabs? If you do, your setup is OK.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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