
Started by cthomas, December 12, 2016, 12:46:40 AM

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I have three categorizes that that I need to have category formulas in but I keep getting an error. See image for Error. The next image shows what my categories are based on.

Apart from the Universal Catalog I have a category "Workflow"
below that I have several child categories with formulas.
Another top level category is "Fully classified" - an image is assigned to this category when I am done categorizing it.
In the one-click sidebar I have configured a button for "Fully classified" in the Assign-section.

Back to the workflow categories and their formulas -

"Not in the Universal Catalog" : "@All" NOT "Fully Classified" NOT "Universal Catalog"

"Not in the Universal Catalog" : "@All" NOT "Fully Classified" NOT "Universal Catalog"

"Not categorized" : "@All" NOT "Fully Classified"

Now I open the "Not categorized" category and sort by date. I select the first image, press Ctrl-Alt-A to open the assignment window.
I click all the categories that apply to the image and press the short-cut button in the one-click sidebar. The image gets assigned to "Full categorized" and thereby disappears from the "Not categorized" view. The next image gets its turn.


Montana, USA
The Big Sky State


This is a valid category formula:

"@All" NOT "Fully Classified" NOT "Universal Catalog"

This is not:

"Not in the Universal Catalog" : "@All" NOT "Fully Classified" NOT "Universal Catalog"

Error in red. I don't know where you got the idea with the name and the : in front, but that's not part of the category syntax.

What you probably want is:

1. Create a new category and name it "Not in the Universal Catalog"
2. Open the properties for this category and enter the formula

"@All" NOT "Fully Classified" NOT "Universal Catalog"

This will work.
Same for your other categories.