Display only single category level

Started by stzari, December 11, 2016, 12:07:25 PM

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I'm using nested categories quite extensively, e.g. People|LevelA|LevelB|LevelC|LevelD|LevelE.
If I click on a category, e.g. LevelC IMatch always displays also at least the Files that contain ...|LevelC|LevelD.

Is there a setting where lower level categories are not being displayed ?

The button for hierarchical display only shows at least one additional level.



Parent categories always (virtually) contain all images of their child categories. This is a core principle of IMatch categories.
If you click on "People" you see all files you have assigned to people or a category below.

There are two solutions you may want to consider:

1. Switch the categories to show "Direct Assignments only". That's a property of the category.

Works well if you need it only for a few category. But it really works against the inherent recursive nature of categories.

2. Switch the file window to display hierarchies. In that mode you see only the direct assigned files automatically. But you also see one, two or all child category levels.


Thanks Mario,

Quote from: Mario on December 11, 2016, 01:18:37 PM
2. Switch the file window to display hierarchies. In that mode you see only the direct assigned files automatically. But you also see one, two or all child category levels.

This is exactly what I'm doing currently. But Imatch displays depending on the setting at least one more level of the hierarchy.
Would it be possible to add one more setting "Display only current level" to that button ?



QuoteWould it be possible to add one more setting "Display only current level" to that button ?

This is what you get when the hierarchical mode is off. No need to add anything.

If you really, for some reason, need to see only the files directly assigned  to a category, use the option 1. or maybe mirror the category in a formula-based category.


Hello Mario,

Quote from: Mario on December 11, 2016, 04:03:33 PM
This is what you get when the hierarchical mode is off. No need to add anything.

This is only true for Media&Folders. For Categories, switching off the hierarchical mode displays _all_ child categories.



You are mistaken.
When you switch the hierarchical display off, IMatch displays the contents of the selected category. And this includes, by definition, all files assigned to this category and it's child categories, recursively.

If you don't want to use the hierarchical file window mode, you don't want to use the "Direct assigned files only" category option and you also don't want to setup a non-recursive formula-based category, there is nothing else you can do.


Ok. I think I have to step back a bit and think about it...

Categories are set up as sets with subsets. This is clear e.g. for places where Europe also includes Belgium, that also includes Brussels etc.

For people however, I have set up categories as relations, e.g Me/Brother/daughter/friends/A where A is a friend of my brother's daughter. This is - for me at least - easier to traverse than flat hierarchies with names. Also, I have quite few people that are named identically (think of it as a mild form of all the Nicks and Nickies in My big fat greek wedding  ;) ), that I can easily distinguish between in this scheme.

What would be the best approach for this ?
Should I add a feature request for a setting "only current level" in the hierarchy view ?



I'm not sure what kind of complex category hierarchy you have created or why the design of how categories works against your concept. But IMatch categories work that way since 1998 and I have never seen a reason to change it.

I think you have created something like

|- Susan
   |- Peter
   |- Paul

Peter and Paul are children of Susan.
And you have have assigned files to Susan, to Peter and Paul.
When you now display Susan in the file window, you also see the images assigned to Peter and Paul.
But you only want to see the files assigned to Susan.

1. Select Susan to show all her files.
2. in the Filter Panel, open the Categroy Filter. Click on Susan.

You now see only the files assigned to Susan directly, but not the files assigned to Peter and Paul.


Hello Mario,

Quote from: Mario on December 13, 2016, 08:38:22 AM
I think you have created something like

|- Susan
   |- Peter
   |- Paul

Yes, exactly
Peter and Paul are children of Susan.
And you have have assigned files to Susan, to Peter and Paul.
When you now display Susan in the file window, you also see the images assigned to Peter and Paul.
But you only want to see the files assigned to Susan.

1. Select Susan to show all her files.
2. in the Filter Panel, open the Categroy Filter. Click on Susan.

You now see only the files assigned to Susan directly, but not the files assigned to Peter and Paul.
This is what I'm doing now

However, each time I browse to another person, I need to update the filter.
Therefore it would be very helpful to have an additional entry for the hierarchy button to "Show current level only".


You only see the current level, you look at one category. But by definition, parent categories contain all images of their child categories.
Categories are not really designed to map family trees or n to m relations.

What you would need is a feature that allows you to toggle the file window to display only the images in the selected category, excluding the images in child categories. With a new toolbar button, new menu entries, a visual feedback option so a user can tell exactly when this is on (to avoid confusion and potential data loss), updates to documentation and translations. Maybe one or two days of work for me.

Please add a feature request in the feature request board.
Other users can then see your request and 'Like' it.