A clever place for an instant text?

Started by sinus, December 15, 2016, 08:54:13 AM

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Hi all

Although these are busy days, new versions, IM Anywhere and so on ...

I have a genereally, not important question for a good idea.

I have a lot of files (340'000) and work here and there within IMatch (categories, Media ...).
Also I work sometimes with different images.
Some images I did edit with Photoshop, others I did just add some Metadata in IM5.

If I close IMatch, sometimes I want to have a quick "container" to add some quick text for me.
This would popup or be on another way visible, when I the next time open IMatch.

I think at some "remember-text" for me like

- I must edit the banana-photo in PS or
- add categories for the doc-files
- write Attributes for my mountain-event

and so on.

If I open IMatch now, I have for example added some hints for me, see my attachements.
But there I cannot add quick some text, and then close IMatch.

But I think at a quick way to add inside IMatch some notes for me, what I would see the next time for sure.
Maybe a kind of quick yellow sheet, what we stick at our monitor to not forget it.

Do I overlook a good way or do you have an idea for this?

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



Windows 10 has built-in post its.
Enable the "Windows Ink Workspace" and then click on the icon in the task bar to add post it notes or to make sketches directly on your desktop (if you have a touch device or a graphic tablet)


Thanks, bonsai and Mario

What I am looking for, is a quick text inside IMatch.

Because I think, it is clearer and more safe ;)
And because I do sometimes copy the DB and work at home and there I would have the same text-information like at work.

A simply way would be, that I add some text to a special image, say the description field.
But this would mean, I have to leave IMatch with this image selected, that after reload IM the same image would appears again with the information.

Maybe a script/app would do it fine, very fine. Maybe a "project" for me.  ;D

I cannot remember the prog, I had once one.
Before closing I could simply add some text into a box and this box appeared again after opening. So I could even give some information to someone else, wh worked with it.

"... please enter metas for file xxx"
"... delete all tif from the x-mas event"

... and so on.

Hm, maybe an app would be really the best. With the panel open, it would be all the time viewable and we could also add text, change ... hm.
I have to think about it.

At least I have not overlooked, like it seems, a very obvious possibility ... except of course your remarks about notes. Thanks.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


This is an ideal thing to do with a HTML App.

Or just use the Var Toy. It remembers the text you type automatically.


Quote from: Mario on December 16, 2016, 09:41:43 AM
This is an ideal thing to do with a HTML App.

Or just use the Var Toy. It remembers the text you type automatically.

Thanks, Mario.

Oh, Var Toy, yep, a good idea!
And immediately usable, hmmm, really a good idea.  :D

IF I have time, I will also do something with HTML/JS  ... gives me excercices  ;D

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)