TIP: How to display flat keywords in image viewer

Started by iamjwk, December 26, 2016, 11:34:44 PM

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To display comma separated flat keywords beneath an image in the image viewer add the following

{File.Categories|filter:^@Keywords;level:leaf;replace:,==, }

In the IMatch WebViewer via settings > Show advanced options > Viewer layout. This can of course also be used to display keywords beneath thumbnails.

Note: it takes some additional time to convert hierarchical keywords to flat keywords. But at my hardware (intel i5) it is acceptable.

If somebody has a faster solution please inform the community  :)



Your variable filters the entire category tree in your database (with probably thousands of categories) for every thumbnail displayed. This is of course very slow.
It is good that IMatch can handle even such unusual requirements, but sometimes there is a price to pay (in this case, speed).

1. If you use flat keywords without hierarchy for XMP/IPTC, you can improve things by using that variable instead:


2. Specifying the filter using the @All category allows IMatch to do some internal optimizations:

{File.Categories|filter:@All|@Keywords;level:leaf;replace:,==, }

Maybe this speeds things a bit up.