Will it be possible to re-arrange the order of panels in the Navigator

Started by Tallpics, December 29, 2016, 01:19:03 PM

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I hope I haven't missed this built-in feature  :-[

I use IMatch Categories extensively. These allow me to make specific focused selections very quickly in IMatch.

In fact they often allow me to find images with just a couple of clicks  :)

As this method of selection is usually my first route to finding an image it seems logical that I would have the Categories panel at the top of the Navigator (or below the Stored Settings panel)

My workflow would then start at the top > Select Category > then 'fine tune' the selection using Ratings etc.

Would it be possible to allow users to re-order the panels in the Navigator to allow them to adapt it to their personal workflow?


You cannot arrange the order of panels. You can hide individual panels via the settings (Gear button) and the Admin can exclude individual panels globally.

I don't see much use for re-arranging the order of the panels. I suggest you make a feature request in the IMA feature request board. This way other users can comment and we'll see how many users would like that.

In general, I try to keep the IMatch WebViewer slim and light. The more code is added, the slower it becomes on less powerful devices...


Thank you for the reply Mario.

I appreciate you keeping the coding as lean as possible in this age of bloated software!

My request isn't important as IMatch Anywhere functions perfectly well in its current layout.

I have seen the option to hide panels. I will take another look to see if using this option helps to simplify the interface a bit more.

BTW I did try reordering the list in the .jsn config file but this didn't have any effect.


The config.json only allows the Admin to hide panels globally (e.g., for corporate use, hiding the folders & some other panels is common).