Temporary Database files

Started by gi7kmc, January 13, 2017, 11:53:49 AM

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I have just installed some synchronization software to keep the files on my two PCs at home in step. I have come across an issue with regards to the IMatch database. It looks like the syncing software is copying over the temporary db files and causing them not to be deleted. If I run IMatch on the other PC it sees the temp files and gets confused as they have already been applied to the db. One solution is to stop the syncing software from copying the temp files. What is the naming convention for the temp files? (I know that doing a proper file backup when Imatch  is closed is the best way and I am doing that as well)



The database system creates temporary files all the time. They are sometimes long-lived and sometimes short-lived. When the database closes, these files are removed. Unless there is a crash, in that case these files are needed to rollback the database to a safe state.

Your backup software should not backup open databases. This can cause all kinds of problems. Let it only backup the database when it is in a consistent state.

On the other hand. if you loose a database, you restore it from backup in the state it was when it was backed up. With all open journal files and temporary files. The database then will behave as IMatch had crashed and rollback pending transactions.

Or do you mix and match files from several backups? This is a no-do. Always use software which ensures a consistent state of all open files. Windows has built-in functions to do that and software like TrueImage or Macrium Reflect use that. If you use regular backup software, let it only backup your database when it is closed (no temporary files).