Renaming files in a tree

Started by aki-bs, December 05, 2016, 10:11:18 PM

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In my IMatch 3.6 workflow I rename my files, selecting a directory and automaticly going down to the child directories, in the following way:
Change file Name to:   yymmdd,hhmmssNN
the first file always gets NN=00
If there exist more than one file in a directory with equal yymmdd,hhmmss than I count the files up from yymmdd,hhmmss00 to yymmdd,hhmmss99;

In the renamer function I couldn't find the following functions:
1) selecting a directory, so that IMatch renames all files in this directory and the child directories;
    Exists this functionality and I have it overseen?
2) that each file has a name like this yymmdd,hhmmss00 and only if yymmdd,hhmmss is identic, the last two Digits will be count up;
    what I found was yymmdd,hhmmss and the next file gets yymmdd,hhmmss01 and so on.
    Exists there a way, that the file-Name length will be equal?


The Renamer works, list almost all features, with the current scope. The scope is what you see in the file window.
This has many advantages, because it gives the user very detailed control about what he wants to see in the file window, or which files, precisely, he wants to operate on.
See the file window help topic in the IMatch help for details about this important concept.

By default, IMatch displays only the files in the selected folder(s) in the file window. To also load the files in sub-folders into the file window, enable the hierarchical mode (file window toolbar button). This enables you to run the Renamer on selected files in a folder. Or all files in a folder. Or selected files in a folder and one or more of its sub-folders. Or all or selected files spread over a disk...

Once you have all the files you want to rename in the file window, you can select them and let the Renamer process them.


Please see the Renamer help for all available options.
Check out the "Unique Number" step, for example. It can be used to ensure unique file names when there are name clashes.


I'm having trouble with renamer.  I selected 'custom' sort profile and 'show all levels' in the hierarchy. 
I then 'select all' and all files in the directory and sub-directories are selected.
I then use the renamer specifying:
Preset:   Default
Global Sequence:  1 
Sort Profile:  blank
Processing Instructions:  Text and Variables  +  Unique Number
When I run the routine all selected files are renamed, but the number sequence starts over  with 0001 in each sub directory.
I want it to rename and number all files contiguously, from 0001 through all the files in all the selected subfolders.

I've successfully done this hundreds of times in previous Revs and can't think of anything I'm doing differently. I've checked the instructions and the Community and the post below by Mario was all I found.

Has something changed recently or am I missing something?
Dave Oakes


The Unique Number adds a unique number to a file name when a name collision (duplicate file name) is detected.
To use the global sequence number, use the Global Sequence Number step for your rename operation.