Did IMA make my database unusable for IM?

Started by ulrich, January 15, 2017, 04:36:42 PM

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IMatch Anywhere is that extension I dreamed of since some time, Mario, thank you, but have not yet seen it working :(

  • Downloaded and installed downloaded IMatch Anywhere trial version on my Win-7.
  • At start of IMatch Anywhere got the message:
    Veraltete Datenbankversion gefunden

    Das Datenbanksystem von IMatch WebServices ist neuer als die IMatch-Version, die zuletzt mit dieser

    Datenbank verwendet wurde.
    Wenn Sie diese datenbank mit IMatch WebServices öffnen wird sie automatisch
    aktualisiert und ist dann nicht mehr mit ihrer älteren IMatch-Version kompatibel.
    Aktualisieeren Sie entweder IMatch auf die neueste Version oder machen Sie eine Kopie der Datenbank (in
    Windows Explorer) und verwenden Sie diese Kopie mit
    IMatch WebServices.
    was shown. So cancelled IMatch Anywhere.
  • Start of IMatch to check Version: 5.8.2, nothing newer available.
  • Tried to open the database which was selected during IMatch Anywhere installation/setup:
    QuoteBeim Öffnen der Datenbank
    ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:

    [17201] Eine Datenbankoperation ist fehlgeschlagen.
    Eventuell ist die Datenbank durch eine andere Anwendung gesperrt oder Sie haben nicht
    die notwendige Zugriffsberechtigungen.
    Die exakte Fehlermeldung gibt Aufschluss über mögliche Ursachen.
  • Tried a different database: no problem
  • Checked secuity / access permitions of directories and database file: open to all useres.
  • Restored database from backup to original place: error
    Restore started.
    Original Data:
    Datenbank_V5\Alle-Bilder_V3.imd5' (1.18 GB).
    Running analysis for restored database 'G:\Dat\Fotographie\IMatch-Datenbank_V5\Alle-Bilder_V3.imd5'
    Failed to open restored database 'G:\Dat\Fotographie\IMatch-Datenbank_V5\Alle-Bilder_V3.imd5'
    Duration: 00:00:09

    Restore completed with errors. Please see the application log file for additional details.
    Duration: 00:01:36
  • Restored database into a new directory: success, can now access database again.
Well, in the mean time I found the recommendation to use IMatch WebServices with copy of the database...
makes sence regarding that message as shown under 2. above.

Will this be improved? Or will we have to use copies of database to make them available via IMatch Anywhere?
Or do I have a local problem?
Regards Ulrich
IMatch 5.8.2 Vollversion
IMatch Anywhere trial version


Of course you can use your database with IMatch Anywhere.

The message just informed you that the database was created / last modified by an IMatch version older than IMatch Anywhere.
IMatch WebServices hence has to upgrade the database to the latest version. And then you cannot longer use it with an older IMatch version (older than 5.8.2).

I've added this version check in case users with an outdated version of IMatch want to try IMatch Anywhere, don't use a copy, have no backup and then cannot longer open their database with their outdated IMatch version. If you cancel the load operation when you see the message, your database will not be touched. The version check opens the database in read-only mode.

I cannot say more about what problems IMatch Anywhere encountered while accessing your database without the log file.
Did you perhaps have the database open in IMatch already?


thanks for information.

Was confused when when I was told "Veraltete Datenbankversion gefunden
Das Datenbanksystem von IMatch WebServices ist neuer als die IMatch-Version, die zuletzt mit dieser
Datenbank verwendet wurde." as I had version 5.8.2 installed before IMA activities.

No idea what went wrong during first tests.....

In the mean time I prepared a copy of the restored database just for IMA, everything works as expected (so far ;)), and I can even open the DB used by IMA with IMatch....

Now I have to rework / adapt the category structure for easier use by family members.....
Regards Ulrich
IMatch 5.8.2 Vollversion
IMatch Anywhere trial version


QuoteNow I have to rework / adapt the category structure for easier use by family members.....

Or you setup a separate category hierarchy just for IMatch Anywhere and hide all other categories. This gives you full control and allows you to setup a "view" on your database that makes it easy for your family members to find and view files. Using category formulas or Alias categories you can do that without doing manual assignments!