JS and IMatch 2017

Started by sinus, March 03, 2017, 06:19:28 PM

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Sorry for my basic questions, but I am still not sure, hence:

1) IMatch2017 will have embedded support for JavaScript. This means, I can write (well, try to write  ;D) JavaScript-scripts without installed IMatch Anywhere. Is this correct?

2) If I want to lern and try some JS-scripts now with IMatch 5.8.4, this is possible, but for this I must intall IMatch Anywhere. I this correct?

3) I can now install IMatch Anywhere without touching anything from my installed IMatch 5.8.4 (except I do some stuff with JS). Is this finally also correct?

I thing, somewhere the answers for this is on this forum or on the different IMA-pages or so, I can find something, but I am not really sure, hence my questions.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


1. Correct.

2. Correct.

But you can of course learn about JavaScript and HTML just using a web browser and a good text editor like the free Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
You don't need to have IMWS installed for that!

Have a look at the beginner HTML and JavaScript tutorials I listed in the sidebar of IMatch Anywhere Developer Center. There are also many great video tutorials on YouTube of you prefer that.

When you have some experience with JavaScript you can start using IMWS - either embedded in IMatch or the standalone IMWS included in IMatch Anywhere.

3. Yes. Installing IMatch Anywhere does not touch your IMatch installation. Separate products, they don't share anything. You can even install IMatch Anywhere on another computer.