series of photos/images as one video file?

Started by kirk, September 14, 2017, 08:49:49 PM

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I photograph my subjects within photogrammetry process to create  3d models.      So each  "photo"  is actually hundreds , thousands of very similar photos taken around the subject having a bit of viewpoint parallax.    Is there any way iMatch could recognise that and build just one thumbnail, a kind of video thumbnail and hide all the actual photo behind dealing with them as one entity?    Maybe sorting out bad, out of focus pictures automatically  or any other kind of helpers?

Maybe with some manual help like doing special name mark in  first in last picture of a sequence ?

Martin P Wilson

I guess you could create a stack. I am new so I don't know whether there is any limit o n how many iamges are allowed in a stack.


i'd like it to be a kind of automatic process while adding them to the base.  So the whole series would be just one record still allowing me to drag a drop the whole series from imatch to Reality Capture or similar soft.  I bet would make iMatch work quicker probably


That's what stacks are for.
IMatch collapses the entire series of images under one "stack top" image. No video file, though.
You choose which file should be on top for regular stacks. For version stacks the top file is usually the master.

There are regular stacks. There are version stacks.
There is an Auto stack command which allows you to automatically stack files based on a vast range of criteria.

Using versions you can ensure that data you add the whatever you consider the "master file" is propagated to the versions - if you use such things.

Check out the IMatch help which has all the details.
Type stack in the IMatch help index and then click on Introduction.