
Started by Mario, March 21, 2017, 09:15:49 PM

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Thinks are shaping up nicely. Every day there's progress.
When nothing else works  ::) ;) I work on the documentation - which is always boring and daunting.

Writing up all the stuff so others can learn how to use the IMWS and IMatch endpoints and supporting JavaScript libraries takes a long time, really.
But I write this also for myself, because I will refer to this as well. I cannot remember everything and I plan to write a large number of apps in the future.

I use a tool-based approach, with documentation that is part of the source code itself. As part of the 'build process' the documentation is extracted from the source code and converted into a set of neat HTML documents. In addition, I wrote/write tutorials which explain certain aspects in detail (e.g. metadata updates, the messages sent by IMatch and IMWS).

I will ship the entire documentation set as part of IMatch (I guess) but probably I will make it available on-line, as part of the IMatch Anywhere Developer Center. Having the stuff on-line allows me to update things all the time, and everybody has the latest documentation available.


I'm always AMAZED at the progress you make with the various Photools products, Mario, all while providing unparalleled support to the international community of users.  Bravo!
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Yep, true, what BanjoTom says, amazing.

The doc availible online, would be a good thing, I think. I would read it for sure.  ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)