Design & Print: a powerful tool

Started by sinus, March 20, 2017, 05:33:10 PM

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Just to say:
Design & Print is really a powerful tool.
(For me) specialy if you use the dynamic templates, becasue there you can have 5, 50 or 500 images, it does not really matter.
You can once create a template and from then you can work with different files and groups (I use categories as groups).

Do not forget to check the templates, what IMatch does deliver.
For example the template "Dynamic Portfolio".

Basically first you creates some groups, in my case I creates some categories and put some images into different categories.
Then I drag'n'drop the main-cat into Design&Print.

I created a templage based on the mentioned template.
And I will end with different layouts for each group.
And at the start of each new group first I have created a info-page (yellow) to see this better.
Follows a page with ALL images from the next group, but with small images. This gives a perfect overview-page.

And the magic is done by the variable "{Group:{Print.Container.ZOrder}.File.FullName}", what Mario created, added to a graphic container.
The amount of images and hence the size depends, what grid you are choosing, a lot ist possible.

Maybe you give the Design & Print once a chance to show its power?!  ;D

See attachements.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Looks great.

Printing single images, books, calendars, catalogs like in your case. One customer even prints menus for a restaurant ;-)

D&P is indeed very versatile.


Sinus's examples look great, and are very inspiring!  Would it be possible for him to share the actual D&P templates he's created that produce such output?
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: BanjoTom on March 20, 2017, 07:30:39 PM
Sinus's examples look great, and are very inspiring!  Would it be possible for him to share the actual D&P templates he's created that produce such output?

Hi Tom

here we go. Attached the layout. Works like I uploaded, with groups.
On the last pages are (almost) all variables there, can help to understand better some variables.

The attached template calls "sinus_verschiedene Gruppenlayouts.imptx.txt" the txt is there becasue uploading are only such types.
Hence you must simply delete the .txt at the end of the file and then put the template into your IMatch-printing - folder.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thanks, sinus -- I've imported your template and begun to play with it, and it looks great, and the example itself is very powerful! 
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: BanjoTom on March 20, 2017, 09:46:59 PM
Thanks, sinus -- I've imported your template and begun to play with it, and it looks great, and the example itself is very powerful!

Cool, Tom

Hope you can create some good pdf or whatelse for you.
Maybe an image-list of a lot of music-instruments?  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


hello, it looks great! Most likely it will come in handy to me in my work!