Variable for thumbnail-size

Started by sinus, May 05, 2017, 09:36:18 AM

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We can choose and also change the size of a thumbnail (what is usually about 300 px).

If you change this size, it does not affect the thumbs in your Database.
Only new added images will work with the new, changed thumbnail - size.
If you want change all or some images with the changed size, you can use the "force update" (Ctrl F5) command and then this image will also be altered to the new size.

If we do this several times, some files we did change, some not, then the thumbnail-size in our DB can be different.

Is there a variable or another possibility to quickly look, what a thumb-size a specific image finally has?

In the help I did not find such a possibility.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)



Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)