Storing the timeline comment into xmp::iptcext\event

Started by ericmuzy, August 21, 2013, 05:32:55 PM

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I'm using the comment field in the timeline, at the daily level, to document the specific events my pictures were taken from for that day.
I would like to store that information into each picture taken that day, ideally in the "event" tag of the "iptc extended" section (but I would be OK to store it in a different tag if easier)
Can you give me some hints on how to do that?
I looked at metadata templates, and scripts, but I cannot figure out how to proceed.

Thank you


This comment is local to the timeline. It's not accessible via a variable (would be hard to do because variables are file-centric and files don't "belong" to a specific timeline node).

Why don't you just Ctrl+A all files in the timeline node and then set the event tag in the Metadata Panel for all files at once?


Yes, Mario, I can do that, thank you.
I was trying to understand if there was a more 'automated" way to do it.
