Find duplicates/versions by name

Started by cytochrome, June 01, 2017, 03:34:56 PM

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First bravo for the easy install of IM 2017, it is really idiot-proof (=I did it). It runs now along my V5.8.4 that I keep for some time "just in case".

Now my question is following: I have several camera and use several raw converters, and often produce several different JPGs from one Raw.

My data is organized as: RAW folders per event with nested subfolders \JPG\Web, Reduced etc

The files are named for example D7K_010180.NEF ===> D7K_010180_B5.JPG, D7K_010180_ASP.JPG, D7K_010180_DxO.JPG, D7K_010180_VnX2.JPG, etc , so the schema is a basename with10 characters + a variable part.

I don't use the IMatch versioning facility apart for propagating metadata from RAW to the different versions.
I want to find all versions in one Raw folder and the derivated JPG, Web, RED etc subfolders, and view them side by side in order to simplify my data.

I have two windows programs which do this (finding "duplicates" based on a naming scheme in a folder/subfolder strucutre), but this will bring the database out of synchrony with the real state of the data on disk.

Is there a way to do it simply from within Imatch?


PS I read the help about duplicates and "find very similar images"  but can't find how to use it to solve  my problem

PPS After some trial with Autostack, then F4,V all that I really need is a way to skip directly to the next raw in the folder WITHOUT having to exit from the Viewer and say Yes Delete for every image. This takes a lot of time and kills the workflow. Is this feasable? I haven't found how to.