Problem in migration of settings from IMatch 5.8.4 to IMatch 2017

Started by tschilp, June 05, 2017, 07:20:37 PM

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I have a problem in migration of settings from IMatch 5.8.4 to IMatch 2017.

I just installed IMatch 2017.6.2 parallel to IMatch 5.8.4.
Looks like some Non-Database-related settings were not migrated. Here is what I just recognized.
Missing/Wrong are:
- Bookmarks
- Layout of Metadata Templates
- The ID-Plate (not displayed and customization gone)
OK are:
- Workspaces
- Thesaurus

Does anybody else have this issue? How to solve it?



Show use the IMATCH_LOG_MIGRATE*.txt from the TEMP on your system. This will show us which data was migrated by IMatch 2017 when it was started first. This migration is performed only once. By default, IMatch 2017 copies over all your settings, presets, templates,. dictionaries and suchlike.


Hi Mario!
Log file is attached.
Hope that helps.


Quote from: tschilp on June 05, 2017, 07:20:37 PM
Missing/Wrong are:
- Bookmarks
- Layout of Metadata Templates

Just compared my databases (also from backup). Is it right, that metadata templates and bookmarks are stored in the databases?
In that case it might be (also) a conversion issue?


Migration looks OK.
Copied everything there is to copy, e.g. the most important settings database:

MIR: Copying file C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\config\imatch5.pts to C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts

Bookmarks are part of the database. No affected by migration or anything. This is a collection!
Metadata Templates are also stored in the database. They may contain references to database-specific objects, tags and collections.


So it's not a migration but a database conversion issue ???
Bookmarks: I did not mean the collection but the personal folder bookmarks
What about the metadata templates?

When I open the database from backup in IMatch 5 everything is as it was.
When I then open it in IMatch 2017 it needs to be updated to the new version and new exiftool.
Afterwards I am missing the mentioned settings. I had the debug logging running (see attachement).

Same thing happens when opening (and updating) my photos database. Folder Bookmarks are gone ...
What is wrong with my databases?  ???


1.  Metadata Templates are part of the IMatch database itself. They are not affected by upgrading the database to IMatch 2017.
I just checked and converted two IMatch 5 databases with custom metadata templates to IMatch 2017. All metadata templates were there.

2.  Folder bookmarks are stored in the IMatch Settings Database imatch.pts. This database has been copied by the migration as per your log file.
Your folder bookmarks should be there - provided that you use the same user name as before. Folder bookmarks are database and user-specifc.

I have just checked and Folder bookmarks are not touched by the 2017 upgrade. As long as the settings database has been migrated, they are these.

If you think you have lost anything, do this:

1. Close IMatch.
2. Make a backup copy of "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts"

3. Copy

"C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\config\imatch5.pts" to

This will copy all settings from IMatch 5 to IMatch 6, including folder bookmarks and stuff.


Quote from: Mario on June 06, 2017, 09:53:06 PM
1. Close IMatch.
2. Make a backup copy of "C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts"

3. Copy

"C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\config\imatch5.pts" to

This will copy all settings from IMatch 5 to IMatch 6, including folder bookmarks and stuff.

Hi Mario,
that was a good hint! It put me on the right track.

The Problem was, that my settings (Imatch 5 .pts file) are not stored in the default location but somewhere else besides my databases. Don't ask, why ... I did it years ago and forgott about the reason.
I copied that file to the default location, and then it worked. Changing the Path & Filename in the settings did the same.

But ... :
Why does IMatch 6 not recognize that setting (Settings > Application > File name of the settings database) during update of the database?
That looks like a bug  ...


1. Check under Edit > Preferences > Application and make sure that all folders there point to the imatch6\... and not imatch5\...

2. There is only one PTS file. You can store it outside the default path. IMatch considers that and so does the migration process. IMatch stores the name of the last used PTS file in the Windows registry and the migration process (and Pack & Go, and ...) thus know what to use.

As far as the migration was concerned, the settings database recorded in the registry was


IMatch 2017 pulls this from the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\photools\IMatch\5\Settings\SettingsDBFileName and this key is saved by IMatch initially, and every time the settings database path is changed under Edit > Preferences > Application.


Quote from: Mario on June 07, 2017, 08:44:19 PM
1. Check under Edit > Preferences > Application and make sure that all folders there point to the imatch6\... and not imatch5\...

That is not the case, the dictionary points to: C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\dictionaries
and the user dictionary to: C:\Users\tschilp\AppData\Roaming\\IMatch5\dictionaries\user.dic
Presets is ok: C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\Presets
Cache is old: C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\previewcache\

Maybe these are relics from copying my imatch5.pts there ...

Quote from: Mario on June 07, 2017, 08:44:19 PM
2. There is only one PTS file. You can store it outside the default path. IMatch considers that and so does the migration process. IMatch stores the name of the last used PTS file in the Windows registry and the migration process (and Pack & Go, and ...) thus know what to use.

As far as the migration was concerned, the settings database recorded in the registry was


That is not the one mentioned in the settings. Should have been:

Quote from: Mario on June 07, 2017, 08:44:19 PM
IMatch 2017 pulls this from the registry key Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\photools\IMatch\5\Settings\SettingsDBFileName and this key is saved by IMatch initially, and every time the settings database path is changed under Edit > Preferences > Application.

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\photools\IMatch\5\Settings\SettingsDBFileName says


and I did not change that since long time ago ...


QuoteThat is not the case, the dictionary points to: C:\ProgramData\\IMatch5\dictionaries
There was a bug that was fixed with IMatch 2017.6.2 where paths were not updated correctly. See the release notes for 2017.6.2:
QuoteAfter the migration, IMatch 2017 did not always update certain folders to point at the new location of these folders, under the imatch6 root folder.

If you did install IMatch 2017 with a version before 2017.6.2 (this version), please verify in Edit > Preferences > Application that the following folders point at C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6 and not ...\IMatch5:

    Presets folder
    Spell Checker: Dictionary folder

Bug Fix | #00146
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Quote from: tschilp on June 07, 2017, 09:50:11 PM
Maybe these are relics from copying my imatch5.pts there ...
Yes. If you copy the PTS file manually after IMatch 2017 has migrated the settings before, this will of course not trigger the migration again. This is a one time only process. This is why you now need to correct your settings manually and why I mentioned that in my reply.

The problem with a settiings database not in the recommended location is that the migration process cannot copy it to make it independent from IMatch 5. The migration duplicates the entire IMatch-controlled folder hierarchy including the settings databases for IMatch and Pack & Go. But when you have configured a settings database file somewhere outside the IMatch folder hierarchy, IMatch cannot copy it and thus falls back to default values (settings database in c:\....\imatc6\config). The migration does not handle this special case.

Do this: In Edit > Preferences > Application set the name of the settings database to use for IMatch 6, this will also update the corresponding registry key in the IMatch6 hive.