Blank Navigator

Started by jeknepley, June 06, 2017, 02:27:36 PM

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Just downloaded the trial. Looking forward to using IMA on my iPad (especially when iOS 11 arrives with drag & drop). I just got Affinity Photo for the iPad and, together with the Apple pencil, I "hope" to use this combo as my main photo editing workstation.

However, there's a hitch. I followed your installation video and it all went like a charm until... when I opened the viewer. At that point I saw "Start by selecting something in the Navigator." however the rest of the screen was blank - there was no navigator.

Same result on 2 PC's + an iPad; tried several different databases with no luck.

A user error, I'm sure. ???


More info -
Original post was based on using Chrome. Since then tried a few other browsers.

Firefox is the same as chrome. Safari on the iPad is a totally blank screen - not even the invitation to select something in the navigator.


The same is occurring for me, Mario.
IMA works fine in any browser on the PC where the database is located, but does not work anymore on my iPhone (wireless) or other household Windows PCs (hardwire LAN).
Just a blank screen.
I deleted the storage.db and cleared all browser caches. No change.
It was working fine with the first version of IMatch 2017.  I am using a new copy of the new (updated) database as well and running version 2017.6.2.


dadu's post reminded me to mention that I upgraded to IM2017 yesterday. I used the 2017 database with IMA.


Just to be sure: Did you also upgrade IMatch Anywhere? This is required to access an IMatch 2017 database.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


This would be the first thing to check.
An update for IMatch Anywhere was released at the same time as IMatch 2017, to ensure database compatibility.


Quote from: jeknepley on June 06, 2017, 03:03:48 PM
More info -
Original post was based on using Chrome. Since then tried a few other browsers.

Firefox is the same as chrome. Safari on the iPad is a totally blank screen - not even the invitation to select something in the navigator.
Did you check that the config.json in the imatch\config folder points at the right computer? For Apple computers you need to use the IP address of the computer running IMWS, not the computer name. Apple still cannot handle Windows network names.

Since you can see IMatch Anywhere WebViewer, IMWS is running and 'serving' web sites. This is plain HTML processing only. So far, so good.

IMatch WebViewer uses the "imwsUrl" defined in the config.json file to connect with IMWS and the database.
If this address is wrong or the browser cannot reach IMWS under the IP/name specified there, IMatch WebViewer cannot work.

You find the config.json file ...IMatchViewer\imatch\config on your system.


Another thing: In the URL you use for IMatch WebViewer, make sure it ends with a /


I have just installed IMatch 2017.5.4 (current version) on a clean VirtualPC with Windows 10. Works right out of the box with an IMatch 2017 database.


1. Did you also upgrade IMatch Anywhere?  >> No, since I just downloaded it this morning.

I bought & installed 2017 yesterday and deleted IM5 once I saw that 2017 was working correctly. Obviously the database(s) are compatible with 2017 since that's the first thing the 2017 installer does when run for the 1st time.

Given the download & install sequences described, I'm assuming everything is up to date. Failing any other suggestions in subsequent replies, I will uninstall and reinstall everything.

2. In the URL you use for IMatch WebViewer, make sure it ends with a / It does. Further, at the end of the initial install I said YES to the invite to test the install which certainly would have used the proper URL. Interestingly the URL displayed in the viewer (with no Nav) ends in .....matchviewer/#/imatch. I assume the #/imatch that gets appended is correct.

3. IMatch WebViewer uses the "imwsUrl" defined in the config.json file to connect with IMWS and the database. Here is the corresponding config.json copied and pasted from my system:   "imwsUrl": "http://YOUR-PC-NAME:PORT",


Yes, I updated IMA too, along with the new IMatch software. Yes, my URL has the slash at the end.
I even substituted "PC Name" with the IP address of the hosting machine. Still got a blank screen.
The URL changes to "ends in .....matchviewer/#/imatch", as noted by jeknepley.

To reiterate. IMA works fine on the host PC, but not any iOS devices on my wireless network, nor on an PCs hardwired into by LAN.


Also, I'm confused at to versioning info, Mario. When I check Help>About, the version shown is 2017.6.2.
Where are you seeing "5.4"?


The IMatch Version is 2017.6.2.
The IMatch Anywhere Version is 2017.5.4.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I am running:
IMA 2017.5.4
IM 2017 2017.6.4

Further, even though dadu states his setup works on his host, mine works nowhere.


Quote from: dadu on June 06, 2017, 06:10:26 PM
To reiterate. IMA works fine on the host PC, but not any iOS devices on my wireless network, nor on an PCs hardwired into by LAN.

Firewall blocking access from the network?

Can you do an /info request from the iOS system on the IP address


Note: iOS cannot use computer names, you need the IP address.

You can enable the error and access logs under Configure > Advanced options.
Just type in a file name for each log file, e.g. in your TEMP folder.
Restart the service.

If the web server receives HTTP requests, they will be logged into the access log. If it has something to bicker about, it will show up in the error log.
By the description of the problem my guess is firewall.


Sorry to be so much trouble. Something's changed since my first IMA adventures earlier today - although I can't imagine why since I didn't think I'd changed anything.

Now, in the process of opening the viewer, I'm asked to Log In. I wasn't earlier today (but do remember this from when I beta tested IMA). The problem is that my login credentials are wrong - 2010: Unknown id or invalid password. (401: Unauthorized)

I used the host PC's login and also tried my Microsoft account's login data.

I'm betting that my original problem was related to not being asked to login, and that all will be well once I can figure out what login data it's looking for. Too bad there's not a "Forgot your password" option.

Any ideas??


You can see all configured user names in the WebService Controller Application, in the Configure tab.
Click on User Management. You cannot see the password of your user account, but you can enter a new password.


Thanks. That did it. Your help (to say nothing of your patience) is second-to-none; I've never encountered anyone who's even close! I'm now looking at a database category's images simultaneously on three devices - 2 PCs & an iPad - and the view is wonderful.

Anything I can do for you with my new Affinity Photo for iPad in terms of files? I suspect they're the same as those from the Window's version of AP. Next is to get my hands on the iPad iOS 11 beta with its new file system plus drag & drop. Learning AP, IMA & iOS 11 should keep me occupied for the next day or two. ::)


With 30 days left in my trial, I just paid $45 and got the real deal. Another satisfied customer (for over 10 years).


Quote from: jeknepley on June 06, 2017, 07:45:22 PM
With 30 days left in my trial, I just paid $45 and got the real deal. Another satisfied customer (for over 10 years).
Excellent. Thanks for your business. And I think US$ 45 is a very fair price. You don't even get a month of use for that money from my competitors  ;)


Ok, finally found the config.json file and modified it to use the IP address of the host machine.

It is here (has the location changed?): C:\ProgramData\\IMatchAnywhere\IMWS\docroot\imatchviewer\imatch\config

It is weird that it worked fine when I first installed the first new version of Imatch 2017 and the accompanying IMA version.

Something broke with the latest update....

But now it's working fine. Thanks, Mario!


The location has not changed, it was always the imatch\config sub-folder in the IMatch WebViewer folder.

Apple devices cannot use the standard Windows name resolution (even after all these years), this is why you have to use the IP address.

See the corresponding entry in the IMatch Anywhere FAQ

You said you changed it. What was the imwsUrl before?


Hi Mario,
It was the computer name when I found it yesterday;  I may have modified it way back when to get it working with the IP address with the older version of IMA (sorry, aging memory!) and then perhaps updating to the new version caused it to be overwritten with the PC name. (?)
It's still a little weird that other Windows PCs (not Apple) on the local LAN were not working with IMA either. (All other network communication/sharing was working fine.)
Now that the IP address is in there everything is working.


Quoteon the local LAN were not working with IMA either.
Usually your router makes computers accessible by name in your network by something called DNS.