PLEASE HELP making IMatch better

Started by Mario, June 19, 2017, 02:10:42 PM

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I'm currently working on some new technologies which I plan to include in future IMatch updates.
For testing I would need as many 'real-life' keyword sets.

I will not share this data with anybody. This is only for my internal testing and analysis purposes.

I Your Thesaurus

If it is OK for you, please send me your thesaurus. You can save the thesaurus into an XML file.

ZIP the file and send it to my support email address listed here:

II A sample of how you use keywords

1. For this, please select a few thousand (!) files which have keywords in a file window. The more, the better.
2. Open the Import & Export Panel via View menu > Panels > Import & Export
3. Select all the files and drag them to the Text Export module.

Use this variable for the export (copy/paste from here for comfort):


and these general settings (change the output file name according to your requirements):

This produces a text file which contains all keywords you have assigned to a file, one file per row.
Only the keywords are exported, not the file name or any other identifiable or private data.
I only care for which keywords are used together.
Please ZIP the file when you send it to my support email, thanks.

Reason for all this

I will see if I can use this data to make IMatch learn better, to make better keyword suggestions in the future.

Mees Dekker


I would be glad to help you, but since I'm not using keywords at all (I use categories), no submission from my side this time.


Hi Mario - happy to help and I'll get you this information shortly....


Great, thanks. People are sending me their keyword lists all day. This gives me awesome real-life test data, in addition to my synthetic keyword sets.