Thickness of tracklog

Started by Mees Dekker, August 15, 2018, 11:00:56 AM

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Mees Dekker

When a tracklog is loaded into the map panel, it is displayed with a very thick line.

It would be nice if you could choose yourself to set this to a different thickness/boldness, color and transparency (like for instance in Geosetter).


Currently the tracks are rendered both in Google Maps and OpenLayers with a thickness of 8 and an opacity of 60%.

Mees Dekker

Thank you for the swift reply.

How about a possibility to change these settings by the user?


Do you really think many users would need that?
I would guess this to need at least 1/2 to 1 developer day.

I'll say we let this FR open for a while and see what other users think.


although I would also prefer a thinner track line for my (sometimes rather intricate) tracks, I do not ask Mario for spending a lot of time to implement it since it is not that important.

Maybe we can agree on a thinner line, e.g. 4 pixel?

OTOH the required thickness depends also on the screen DPI. With a 24" UHD monitor (180dpi) you might want to have a track line with more pixels than on a 27" WQHD screen.



(a thinner line would be fine, like Oliver wrote)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Which screen resolution and DPI settings do you all use?

it would help if you could attach just a small screen shot showing the track log line at a reasonable map zoom level (The width is set as a pixel value for all vendors and hence does not scale).
I tried it here on a 4K and a Full HD screen and it looks OK to me...


Quote from: Mario on October 26, 2018, 02:09:40 PM
Which screen resolution and DPI settings do you all use?

it would help if you could attach just a small screen shot showing the track log line at a reasonable map zoom level (The width is set as a pixel value for all vendors and hence does not scale).
I tried it here on a 4K and a Full HD screen and it looks OK to me...

DPI says here 96.
I attach 2 shots from the same track on 2 zoom-levels.
For me the line could be smaller.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


OMG, this is overpolishing. No time for that yet. I see this as a not very nice feature, but not really annoying or disturbing.


Quote from: mastodon on October 26, 2018, 10:18:26 PM
OMG, this is overpolishing. No time for that yet. I see this as a not very nice feature, but not really annoying or disturbing.

I agree that Mario shouldn't spend "at least 1/2 to 1 developer day" as he estimated (and I already wrote this above).

Quote from: Mario on October 26, 2018, 02:09:40 PM
Which screen resolution and DPI settings do you all use?

it would help if you could attach just a small screen shot showing the track log line at a reasonable map zoom level

The attached images show also a map where I patched the track width to 3px IOW half the default value.

I prefer approx. 110dpi (27" 2560x1440 or 34" 3440x1440). Wouldn't buy UHD smaller than 32", but 40" is hard to use with desktop viewing distance.

Of course, 3px is too small on a 4k notebook screen.
