Missing Juicebox Gallery

Started by rhermans, July 07, 2017, 01:32:37 PM

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Just wanted to try Juicebox Gallery export, but strangely I can't find it in the 'Import&Export' panel.

Has it been dropped from the 2017 version (i'm running 2017.6.6), or is there a way to get it back.






This has been dropped. I doubt it was used by many.
JuiceBox is fairly old now, and with the availability of IMatch Anywhere many users can just use that to present their live database to others.

I have no doubt that if JuiceBox still exists, it has a Windows or web client which allows you to upload files via drag & drop directly from IMatch.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thanks you, was really thinking I missed something.  :)



To keep work for IMatch 2017 to a barely manageable level, I decided to drop some of the more exotic scripts.
If there is really demand, I'm sure I'll see feature requests backed by a sufficient number of users to bring specific scripts back.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I would like to add my thoughts to this. When I first bought Imatch 3 one of the features that attracted me was the Web Gallery Script. When you finally persuaded me to spend money to upgrade to 5  it had gone, about which I complained. Later you introduced the Juicebox functionality, which was a reasonable replacement, for which I was grateful. I have now upgraded to Imatch 2017 and discovered that this functionality has gone as well! Uploading images directly to Juicebox is no substitute because my captions are in Imatch and I don't want to have to set them up again. Neither is Imatch Anywhere the answer, first it costs extra and second, as far as I can see does not provide the same or even similar functionality. What I want to be able to do is to generate HTML galleries or slide shows with my Imatch captions that I can upload to a web-site where they can be viewed by friends and relatives anywhere.

Please restore the Juicebox functionality! The fact that this thread has been read 120 times shows there is considerable interest in this.


I have at this time no plans to rewrite the JuiceBox script, sorry.

Two users (or maybe 3, I'm not sure) have mentioned this script here in the community.
I estimate the amount of work involved in rewriting this script as one person week. Probably one and a half, including documentation, initial bug fixes etc.
This is just not worth it.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario

Since I work still with IM5 daily and work with the Im2017 for testing/scripting I know, that some things works still in IM5, but not in IM2017.
Things like VB-scripts or like in this case, Juicebox - support.

Would it not be possible without troubles to do the follwing, as long as no other possibility is in sight:

1) Have a DB for IM2017 (converted from IM5)
2) Have a DB for IM5 (not converted)
3) So basically they does use the same cache and use the same pictures

4) Work with (e.g.) IM2017, adding new images also here
5) If necessary, for a script or for creating juicebox-gallery, open the (old) DB with IM5 and let IMatch add the new images
6) Create the juicebox-gallery or let a VB-script run, that's it
7) Do not write back with the not daily used DB only read data
8 ) Work again with IM2017

Because I work now maybe 2-3 weeks like this, I see no problems.
And I think, I could work so for some monthes, even still the next year, so long, as I have found another way, to work still only with IM2017.

Is this realistic scenario or do I forget something important?

BTW: In IM2017 I could also create a folder, specialy for such cases, what then does add and read IM5 to create a Juicebox-Gallery.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Of course you can always use IMatch 5 to do stuff. But you cannot use databases created or modified by IMatch 2017 with IMatch 5.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on August 04, 2017, 04:58:41 PM
Of course you can always use IMatch 5 to do stuff. But you cannot use databases created or modified by IMatch 2017 with IMatch 5.

Good to know. I one really needs still for some stuff IM5, he can do this.

For such a scenario we could even create one special folder in IM2017. All image, with what we want/must (Juicebox) use IM5, we can copy there.
And then we can open IM5 and work with only this folder (create with IM5 a small DB only).

Because you offered, fortunately, that both IM-versions (IM5 and IM017) works independent, this is a great thing.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I think there are many easier solutions out there, including the gallery tool which is part of Juicebox.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Time to rationalize one more category. I played with Juicebox for a while and had some images assigned to a Juicebox category. I might as well bin them now!


Hmm... I think we could create this via an app and I will give it a try.  I will start simply and build from there... stay tuned!


Quote from: Jingo on August 05, 2017, 02:22:54 PM
Hmm... I think we could create this via an app and I will give it a try.  I will start simply and build from there... stay tuned!

Before you do that I would consider asking for a voting. It may not be worth to spend several days with this, just for one or two users who will ever use it.
I think it's better to write an app which is useful for 50 or 500 users.

The non-free version of JuiceBox comes with a quite comfortable designer which makes creating galleries a snap. There is not really a need for an app. Just my two cents.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on August 05, 2017, 02:29:47 PM
Quote from: Jingo on August 05, 2017, 02:22:54 PM
Hmm... I think we could create this via an app and I will give it a try.  I will start simply and build from there... stay tuned!

Before you do that I would consider asking for a voting. It may not be worth to spend several days with this, just for one or two users who will ever use it.
I think it's better to write an app which is useful for 50 or 500 users.

The non-free version of JuiceBox comes with a quite comfortable designer which makes creating galleries a snap. There is not really a need for an app. Just my two cents.

If one user likes it and will use it, and Andy likes to create it (otherwise he would not think about it), thats enough good to do it.

At least you did it also once, for IM5.  ;D
You looks such things from an economical perspective, but if forum-members would think also in this direction, you would see here on this forum only a handful of users.
We are here, because we like to help, somtimes only 1 user, sometimes 10.
And sometimes we get help ourselves from forum-members or from you.

The old script worked e.g. with categories, what was cool, what juicebox does not.
Just my 2 cents.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Since you can run IMatch 5 still and there use the JuiceBox export module, why not do this? No app needed.
Also, there are so many possibilities today to publish image galleries on-line, from dedicated web sites to WordPress plug-ins, plenty to choose from.

Of course it is nice to find somebody who writes you an app for free. Even if you are the only user.
From my perspective, an app that helps 50 users is better than an app that helps one user. Also a much better use of Jingo's precious spare time as well, don't you agree?

Jingo is of course free to do whatever he likes. But consider this: There was once a bug in the JuiceBox export script that prevented it from working properly. Nobody, not one user, reported this. I fixed the bug six month later. Nobody ever complained. That is why I dropped the export module. (Almost) nobody used it.

This is why I suggested a FR with a proper vote. If, say, 5 to 10 users would benefit from a JuiceBox export, even I will re-consider doing it.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on August 05, 2017, 03:04:49 PM
Since you can run IMatch 5 still and there use the JuiceBox export module, why not do this? No app needed.

I personaly must not have an app for Jbox, I use it also not often.

Of course it is nice to find somebody who writes you an app for free. Even if you are the only user.
From my perspective, an app that helps 50 users is better than an app that helps one user. Also a much better use of Jingo's precious spare time as well, don't you agree?
Jingo is of course free to do whatever he likes.

It depends alone on Jingo, I think. He jumped here in the thread of rhermans, because he wants help, find it maybe also a good thing and has fun to do it.

Jingo had also the idea (I think, it was him) to ask users for ideas for apps. Though rhermans has not asked, Jingo came on the idea.
I think, whatever Jingo does with his sureley precious sparetime, it is up to him.  :)

But of course, if he creates an app, what can use a lot of people, this is better for more people than just for one. Though the one will also be happy, if it is only for him.  ;D
I personaly have asked for 2 apps and one was created (by Thorsten), what makes me happy very much.  ;D
And until now, users has not asked for a lot of apps.

But consider this: There was once a bug in the JuiceBox export script that prevented it from working properly. Nobody, not one user, reported this. I fixed the bug six month later. Nobody ever complained. That is why I dropped the export module. (Almost) nobody used it.

This is why I suggested a FR with a proper vote. If, say, 5 to 10 users would benefit from a JuiceBox export, even I will re-consider doing it.

I agree, JuiceBox was not used often. I used it, but not often and like you wrote, there are other possibilities out there.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thx for thoughts... I simply enjoy programming and solving problems.. challenging myself to come up with a solution - so for me, so long as I have the time, I'm happy to create something even if no one will ever use it! 

But - I as a software developer in my day job - I totally understand and can appreciate Mario's take on things because development time = $$$ and he needs to put his time where it is most beneficial and needed.  Once I take of my day-job hat (make some $$$) and put on my creative-hat (let's have some fun!) - its all about looking for something enjoyable to do.. and right now - oddly or not - its coding IMatch Apps..  :o

I want to fix up the description editor first since that has a few reported problems.. and my Music Player could use a bit of work.. but then, I should be able to work on this as well.

Stay tuned!!


Quote from: Jingo on August 06, 2017, 02:42:14 PM
Thx for thoughts... I simply enjoy programming and solving problems.. challenging myself to come up with a solution - so for me, so long as I have the time, I'm happy to create something even if no one will ever use it! 

But - I as a software developer in my day job - I totally understand and can appreciate Mario's take on things because development time = $$$ and he needs to put his time where it is most beneficial and needed.  Once I take of my day-job hat (make some $$$) and put on my creative-hat (let's have some fun!) - its all about looking for something enjoyable to do.. and right now - oddly or not - its coding IMatch Apps..  :o

I want to fix up the description editor first since that has a few reported problems.. and my Music Player could use a bit of work.. but then, I should be able to work on this as well.

Stay tuned!!

A very good answer and a very good point of view!  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thx Markus... that's how I roll!

Description Editor is all done... and MP3 App has been completed... so I think I'll tackle this one next weekend!  Enjoy!!


Mario: Please note that the current Imatch help file still refers to the Juicebox module and so does the Knowledge base at "https://www.photools.com/3670/creating-juicebox-web-galleries/", which is more than a little misleading. There is no warning for upgraders that this is missing.


I have already removed the old Juicebox topic from the help and I'll clean up the FAQ entry next time I do web site maintenance.
Just did.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


On my list to get something started on this next weekend... not sure how far I'll be able to take it... but we'll see!


Quote from: Jingo on August 05, 2017, 02:22:54 PM
Hmm... I think we could create this via an app and I will give it a try.  I will start simply and build from there... stay tuned!

Hello Jingo,

did you get this app somehow done and if so, where can i find it?

Thanks for the support
Regards Christopher

I have troubled the search, have found, unfortunately, nothing, perhaps, I have looked for the wrong concept.
Excuse for my English


Why don't you use the Importer/Builder application that is included in Juicebox?
I don't know how many users still have a need for something like Juicebox. There are so many ways today to present photos online...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Quote from: ChristopherFoto on May 17, 2018, 07:02:10 AM
Quote from: Jingo on August 05, 2017, 02:22:54 PM
Hmm... I think we could create this via an app and I will give it a try.  I will start simply and build from there... stay tuned!

Hello Jingo,

did you get this app somehow done and if so, where can i find it?

Thanks for the support

Sorry Christopher... I didn't get around to this... I was having trouble getting the main javascript player to load and run the gallery inside of an IM app... it worked in the browser but not within an app window so after a week of trying (and determining it just must not play nice with Chromium) - I gave up. 

As Mario states - I would just use the exported and drag/drop... someday I'll see if I can revisit this or one of the other gallery software that links back to IM...


The problem which I have with the lack of the Juicebox exporter is that as far as I can see there is no simple way of including captions created in Imatch in a Juicebox web gallery. Does Mario know of any web gallery creator that can import text from Imatch (my captions are in an Attribute).

The juicebox exporter in Imatch 5 did this effortlessly, as did the Imatch 3 web gallery creator.


The JuiceBox Builder application can import captions from IPTC data, see https://www.juicebox.net/support/juiceboxbuilder/
When exporting your files in IMatch via the Batch Processor, just copy your caption from the Attribute into the IPTC caption. Then the Builder should pick them up automatically.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Mario, thank you for your prompt reply. If I could get this to work I would be happy!

I am struggling to find the correct tag names and syntax. I have studied all the Imatch help, but find this task very confusing.
I would be very grateful if you could help me. Juicebox's help states that it uses the "IPTC title and caption", but I have failed to find what references these in Imatch after much reading.

I have tried the following in the Imatch Exiftool Command Processor,
but this generates an error. The tag name were taken from Imatch's Metadata panel Default page in the Core Data listing, by hovering the mouse pointer over the nmes.


The error is as follows where the "Invalid TAG name"(s) are what I am trying to write to the title and description:
Invalid TAG name: =Saales, Vosges
Invalid TAG name: =2nd overnight stop
Warning: Invalid tag name '=Saales, Vosges' - E:/My Documents/Digital photos/2018/Dervio holiday - June 2018/P1100149.JPG


What are you trying to do? Do you want to update your existing files?
In that case, using a Metadata Template is the best route.
(Don't fiddle by the ECP, your syntax is all wrong. You are trying to use IMatch variables with ExifTool, this cannot work)

Create a Metadata Template which updates the "IPTC Headline" tag (there is not title tag in IPTC, I assume Juicebox means headline) and the "IPTC Caption/Abstract tag" from your Attributes. If Juicebox only supports IPTC but not XMP, use the real IPTC tags (ignore the warning that pops up). Else use the standard Title and Description tags (which are XMP).

For example, to fill the IPTC headline and IPTC Caption from Attributes, your Metadata Template could look like this (substitute the variable I have used for the correct Attribute variable in your database):

If you use the Batch Processor (which is the best option, because it allows you to prepare the images for JuiceBox and add the metadata you need) you just tell the Batch Processor which IPTC tags it should write and where the data comes from. IMatch makes this very easy, even for complex cases like yours:

This tells the Batch Processor to fill the IPTC headline and caption/abstract from the two specified Attributes. Use the variables matching your attributes instead and it will work nicely. Again, if Juicebox can handle XMP, use the corresponding XMP tags instead of the IPTC tags. IPTC has been deprecated for 15 years now and should not be used anymore. The names of the XMP tags would be xmp:title and xmp:description.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Mario, thank you for your very detailed and helpful reply.

With this knowledge I have written my title and caption to apparently appropriate tags in a test image file, and of course Imatch has synchronised them several others. I have tried IPTC: Object Name as well as IPTC:Headline for the title. Title and description are also in XMP Dublin Core and several other places. Unfortunately, although all of these have definately been written back to the file and ExifTool can read them back, the title and caption still do not appear with the image in a Juicebox gallery. My image displays "Null" in the bottom left corner.

I have now directed an enquiry to Juicebox for clarification of the precise tags required as there does not seem to be a problem on the Imatch side. I want to avoid having to go back to Imatch 5 to do this if at all possible.


Quote from: Jingo on August 06, 2017, 10:21:02 PM
Thx Markus... that's how I roll!

Description Editor is all done... and MP3 App has been completed... so I think I'll tackle this one next weekend!  Enjoy!!
Thank you! Count me another user who will look forward to see the app.
Regards, Emil