Next Release: Enhancement for Version Detection

Started by Mario, July 21, 2017, 07:04:28 PM

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I wanted to give users an additional option to detect versions. Or maybe to give finer control over which files are considered versions. This is what I came up with:

It's an additional option based on IMatch variables. It can be combined with any of the other version detection modes (file name, GPS timestamp etc.).

It works as follows:

+ Depending on the selected operator (=, <>, < etc...)
+ it compares result of the master expression (can be a variable or a literal number of text)
+ with the result of the version expression for each potential version produced by the other options chosen in this dialog.

The example above finds files with the extension .afdesign and makes all files with 'similar' names and a .jpg or .png extension a version.
It then checks each potential version and only makes the files with a Blue label a version.

This can also be used to restrict versions based on rating. Or maybe on the software used to create the file. Photographer name, whatever.

If you use a lose version file mask like ^(_*{name}).* you initially get all files with the same name as the master (including the master) as versions. Now you can specify which of these files you consider as versions entirely via the new variables option. This allows you to do a version detected on any metadata tag (or even multiple tags). Complete freedom to handle some fringe cases or cases where none of the standard version matching options fits.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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That is very cool!   :)

Gives a lot more possibilities. Great!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


What a great addition to an already very powerful versioning system... thx Mario!


I had to think about this (I don't use labels or other metadata not contained in the OOC files), but I suspect it may solve a long standing "issue"  I have with versioning.
I worked around it with a very strict file naming convention, but perhaps......
Will let you know when it is available and I had some time to play with it



Looks like your implementation of my feature request "generic Version Detection (use "any" metadata to identify File Relations)" - thank you :-)

Do I get it right, the "Master:" field selects the variable(s) of the master candidate? To extend your example: If I put "{File.MD.XMP::XMP\Label\Label\0}" into the "Master:" field (instead of the constant "Blue") all files with identical label as the master would be identified as versions?


Quote from: akirot on July 24, 2017, 09:51:34 AM
Do I get it right, the "Master:" field selects the variable(s) of the master candidate? To extend your example: If I put "{File.MD.XMP::XMP\Label\Label\0}" into the "Master:" field (instead of the constant "Blue") all files with identical label as the master would be identified as versions?
Yep. This can be a variable (referencing the master) or a literal.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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