Composite metadata location tags

Started by JohnZeman, August 26, 2013, 03:31:54 PM

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Hi Mario,

In your recent Updated Default Metadata Panel layout for download announcement you mentioned changing the Description tag to use the XMP DC tag, but what about the location (city, state, country, and country code) tags?  I notice none of those are on the list of ExifTool composite tags either yet unlike the description tag, the location composite tags still seem to propagate across the other tags when metadata is written.  So at this point should we still be using the composite tags when entering location metadata?

Edit:  Never mind.  After posting this I saw your reply to Ferdinand in the thread Build 108 about this very issue


I currently focused on multi-lang tags only.
In my experience are the Composite tags a good choice because Phil apparently sometimes weaves some additional magic into them which make them perform well among a great range of different formats. Not only for image file formats.