can ID be something?

Started by sinus, August 07, 2017, 09:22:15 AM

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Sometimes I have a warning about "duplicate apps".

If I then change only one number in this line

  "id": "3750C1CC-0CD8-4E22-844D-5E2B025DB",

it works.
Is this line very important?
Could it be only one number or letter like "A" or "123"?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Mario commented in some post that this id only has to be unique (two apps are not allowed to have the same id, the App Manager will complain if they do). It can be some arbitrary string.
You get the "duplicate apps" warning e.g. if you just copy an existing app (with all it's files).
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Quote from: thrinn on August 07, 2017, 10:33:28 AM
Mario commented in some post that this id only has to be unique (two apps are not allowed to have the same id, the App Manager will complain if they do). It can be some arbitrary string.
You get the "duplicate apps" warning e.g. if you just copy an existing app (with all it's files).

Thanks, Thorsten
I have missed these comments from Mario, but now you made it also clear for me.
Thanks. I will do so, make every ID unique.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Did you read the article Structure of app.json Files which explains the id and every other element in the app.json file?

CHanging only one character in a GUID basically violates it - which itÄs still a GUID (globally unique identifier) you have manually changed it and thus could cause a collision.
As I say in the docs, it is recommended to use a GUID. But every unique name will do.

There are many free on-line GUID geneators where you can just copy/paste a new GUID. For example.

The App Manager also creates new GUID for new apps.


Quote from: Mario on August 07, 2017, 03:36:40 PM
Did you read the article Structure of app.json Files which explains the id and every other element in the app.json file?

CHanging only one character in a GUID basically violates it - which itÄs still a GUID (globally unique identifier) you have manually changed it and thus could cause a collision.
As I say in the docs, it is recommended to use a GUID. But every unique name will do.

There are many free on-line GUID geneators where you can just copy/paste a new GUID. For example.

The App Manager also creates new GUID for new apps.

Thanks, Mario, for clarification.
I have simply overread this! I was quite sure, that you have documented this somewhere, your help-guides are really very, very good!  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)