Next Release: 6 new endpoints for working with Attributes

Started by Mario, August 08, 2017, 09:16:18 PM

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For the next release I have added endpoints to create, modify and delete Attribute Sets and individual Attributes.


These functions also serve as a test bed for the locking functionality I'm currently developing. This locking functionality is the base requirement to add functions for manipulating files and folders (e.g. adding or updating folders).

Locking is is also required for manipulating metadata and Attributes, I have just ignored that for now. A matter of time and resources, frankly.

In theory, if you run two apps at the same time and both apps change metadata or Attributes for the same files, the results are undefined! The same can happen if IMatch itself is updating metadata, categories or Attributes while you manipulate them from your app. Maybe the user is doing things or a rescan or write-back is running while your app runs...

Agreed, this is not very likely in typical IMatch app scenarios, but it can happen. And it will be much more likely and dangerous in multi-user environments for IMWS.

Locking will be mostly automatic, you don't need to do anything special in your apps.
There are some exceptions where you might want to lock resources yourself and in advance, but that's special.
I'm still figuring out all the use cases and risk scenarios. Or where it makes sense to not allow an app do do anything while IMatch / IMWS are performing critical background tasks.
Quite complicated stuff, need to find a simple, economic and manageable solution.