Show or hide annotations for all images in viewer

Started by Wolfgang, October 21, 2016, 04:01:47 AM

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I work in the viewer to evaluate a number of images, deleting some, moving forward and backward. I would prefer to have the choice to either show always the green face annotation(s) or not at all for all the images in my Viewer session. For example, I toggle the annotation display for an image off. But when I moved to the next image and then back, the annotation is displayed again. I was not able to hide the annotation display for all images ""permanently"". I looked in the Viewer help and also found under a now archived feature requests ""A quick way to show/hide annotations in viewer  22.4.2015"" the proposition from Mario: ""Just press <A>,<E> to toggle the annotation display. Or use the Display Options > Show Annotations command."". I tried again this evening, with or without the annotation panel shown. Using the special sign on top right of the annotation panel I could toggle between the green face annotation shown or not. Suddenly I got the inverse behavior to my initial observation: Now no annotation is shown on any image, even when I toggle the display on, when I move away from the image and come back, the annotation is not shown. I was not able to understand the display logic to choose either behavior. Can someone help me ?

I noticed, that the special sign on top right of the annotation panel is not synchronized (activated or not) with the same sign in the right click display option. I guess, I miss something.



The <A>,<E> command toggles display of annotations. Just tried. Alternatively, use the context menu in the Viewer > Display Options > Show Annotations.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you Mario for your response. The <A>,<E> command works here on my computer as well - for each single image-, but this was not my question. I observe on my computer, that I cannot toggle off the annotations  for all images in my viewer session, i.e. moving from one image forward and coming back to the previous image, the annotation will appear again, but I would prefer to not see the annotations. At some point (new viewer session)  I observed the contrary: I could not toggle on the  annotations  for all images in my viewer session, i.e. moving from one image forward and coming back to the previous image, the annotation will not show, but I might prefer to show up for all images. It seems to me, that I cannot choose between these two modes for my viewer session, sometimes IMatch works one way, sometimes the other. Can confirm, that the erroneous behavior is normal and that we cannot switch on or switch off the annotation display for all images in a viewer session? If this behavior is "normal", then I would prefer to change it with a feature request - get the possibility to choose a permanent on or off mode for a complete viewer session. If this behavior is not "normal", then I might have a problem with IMatch on my computer. Which behavior do you observe on your computer in a viewer session ?



When I press A,E, the Viewer hides all annotations, for all images.
This is persistent until I leave the Viewer.

Tried it on my PC and on my tablet. IMatch 5.7.2.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I too find that if I toggle annotations off in the viewer it does indeed switch them off for the currently viewed image, but if I move to another image (spacebar, arrow keys or using mouse) the annotations get shown for the next image and I have to toggle them off for that image too.

How do you get the display of annotations in the view to stay off?

[Using 64-bit version of IMatch]


This works here.
If you toggle the annotations via the keyboard, does the corresponding menu entry in the context menu (Display...) still show a check mark?

I have fixed an issue for the next release regarding Viewer and Annotations. Even when Annotations were disabled, the Viewer showed them for a short time after switching to a new image. The next screen update then removed the Annotations.

When you see the Annotations again after switching to another image, do they vanish when you cause a screen update, e.g. via a dive zoom (Left-click)?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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No, the annotations check mark is not shown, and when I move to the next image it shows the annotations but again the check mark is not shown.

If I zoom from the context menu on the next image, after A, E on the previous image to stop the display of the annotations, the annotations are still shown but the check mark then appears against annotations.

I can't find any way of getting the non-display of annotations to persist between images in the Viewer.


In which mode do you use the viewer?
How do you navigate between files?
Annotation panel visible? Other panels?
Is there a difference whether you use A,E or the menu entry?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Here are the answers:

Single selection loads all files.
Single selection loads stack or version stack.
Navigate using left and right arrow keys, spacebar or mouse pointing to image in filmstrip.
Visible: filmstrip, status panel, collections.
No difference between A,E or menu entry.


Hm. no idea.
Works here on 2 PCs and a tablet...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Don't know if it's relevant, but these are not annotations that I created; they are face annotations in images previously processed in Lightroom.

Also, if the annotations panel is displayed, the Annotations icon is checked when annotations are not displayed and unchecked when annotations are displayed - which seems to be the wrong way around.