Thumbs in standard templates of D&P

Started by sinus, August 27, 2017, 11:06:49 AM

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In the "Design & Print" - modul from a standard template, I can see at the bottom, if and how many times an image is used.
This is great.

I worked now for a while with standard templates (usually I use dynamic templates) and I have seen two things, what took me a bit time.
Maybe I have overlooked a possibility, but her we go:

1) If I have a lot of images, say 50, then it would be cool, if I could see, if one or more images are not used in the template.
I could scroll through the thumbs and spot all thumbs without a green number (not used).
But to be sure, it would be helpful, if there where a help for this.
For example a simple text like "77 different images used out of 100" or "all images used at least one time".
Maybe there could be better infos (hm, e,g, a button "jump to the next not used thumb") but finally a simple text would help a great deal.  :D

If I open the template with a set of new images, the before used thumbs are still there, tough not more selected in the IMatch thumb window. This can of course be very helpful.

But it would be fine, if there would be a possibility to get rid of all thumbs, what are not in the current selection.
To achieve this now, I have to unlink now the "old" (not more selected images) or to replace them with a new thumb, close and reopen D&P again, the the old set is gone.
Or is there another possibility?
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)