Thesaurus countries

Started by HansEverts, August 27, 2013, 07:00:55 AM

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I thought I had seen something on the country names, but I can't find it.
How can I import country names and codes? Or import the thesaurus from IMatch 3.6?


I don't know what you have seen about "country names".
You can import your IMatch 3 IPTC thesaurus via the Import function in the Thesaurus Manager.

There is even an extra section on this in the help. If I could  bother you to

1. Open the thesaurus editor
2. Press F1 to open the corresponding help
3. Open the table of contents at the top and you'll see

This section explains the steps required to import your IMatch 3 thesaurus into IMatch 5, and related info.

[attachment deleted by admin]
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on August 27, 2013, 08:09:09 AM
If I could  bother you to

Point well taken Mario, but believe me, I tried to find the answer before posting a message. Retrospectively I see how silly it was I did not find it, but it was not for absence of trying.

That much said, the DAT files (see attachment) I open do not contain the countries and their codes. I find my categories, which include the country names of my images, but not the generic country list.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Sorry for being blunt  ;)
If you let me know how you  tried to find out what the icons mean in the help, I'll may be able to improve it.
I just clicked <F1> in the category view (which opens the Categories topic), and then <Ctrl>+<F> to search for icon. Immediate hit.
I can't keep all this stuff in my head as well, so I rely on 'my' help often myself.

The Country list in the IPTC editor is a built-in list, it is not edited by the user. This is why it is not contained in the imiptcusr4.dat file and hence cannot be imported that way into the thesaurus.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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 :D  ;)

It was simply the icon Show table of contents that I had not noticed. Perhaps you could make it bright red, or something that draws the eye to it.

But I still don't have my countries. The countries I have now are the ones I imported myself from the country IPTC field. I have Afghanistan, Albania and Angola, but I don't have Andorra, because I never took photos there. So am I looking in the wrong place, or should I import from another source?


The countries continue to give me a headache. I have an image from Yemen, with country code YEM. I click on metadata template/add country. Without a warning it changes Yemen into France, but without adapting the country code, which is still YEM. Then there is a lot of updating. Does add country mean add the country where you live? I attached the logfile.

When I open the thesaurus from the country field, or F5, it is empty, even though the thesaurus manager has a country list. That is the second attachment. Each group of categories or keywords appears several times. Can that be related to the 'en' versus 'neutral' issue?

It could be handy if the index could include each instruction.

[attachment deleted by admin]


See this FAQ for information how you can import ISO country codes and country names into your thesaurus.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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