Images not showing in folder

Started by ChasS, August 23, 2017, 06:11:42 PM

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Using current 64 bit version all of a sudden new images in file window are not showing, no thumbnails, no indication they are even their but the correct number is present in the Media and Folders View. This is happening with standard Tiff and JPG files.

If I drag an image from a pre-existing image in another file window it does show. Doing a rescan or forced rescan doesn't bring up any changes. Cache I don't think is full and there is disk space. If I copy old files, outside IMatch,  which show in other file windows to the new folder they again don't show.

Any suggestions? It has sort of brought work to a halt.


When I understand you correctly, you have one folder which does not display all files contained in it?
I recall another  user reporting a similar problem, but we have found no solution so far. No way to reproduce it.
So, anything you can figure out may help to solve the problem.

Did you run a database diagnosis to ensure the database is OK?

Does it change anything when you change the sort profile?
Filter Panel active perhaps?
Do you use file versioning, stacking perhaps?
Any change when you switch between the problem folder and another folder and back?
Does the IMatch log file report any warnings or errors? Search for lines containing W> or E>  (more info about the log file in the IMatch help).

Try this:

1. Make a copy of the database file.
2. Open the copy and use the "Remove folder from database" command (NOT the Delete Folder command!)
3. Add the folder again to the database. Do the images show up?

If so, it would be helpful for me to get your database. If you have some cloud space (Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive...) and the DB is not too large, you can upload it and I can have a look. If I can reproduce the problem here, I can fix it.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Correct, one folder or actually two, not displaying all the files in it. Solved now. I started wondering if it was more a Windows 10 problem though nothing else was showing problems. Hadn't rebooted for a few days, rebooted and folder populated fine.

I have Imatch installed not on the windows boot drive but on an applications drive. I was receiving an error message earlier of file missing from "F:\Photo Apps\\imatch6\presets\". I copied this over from the C:\ drive stopped getting the error message but didn't solve the problem even with restarting Imatch. When doing a custom install not everything gets put into the new designated folder.

Had run a database diagnostics shortly before the missing thumbnails and all OK
Filter panel tried both active and not
No version stacking
Switching between new problem folders and others, no change.
No log file warnings or lines with W> or E>, but checked this after the Windows reboot

The photos were visible in Windows Explorer and the correct number in the Imatch file window.


-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Problem is solved for me, but don't really know what caused it.


OK, Well, let us know what the problem reappears.

IMatch stores all application data in the default folder managed by Windows for this purpose. IMatch stores all user data in the user folder managed by Windows. This is the recommended behavior because Windows does all kinds of behind the curtain operations with the %APPDATA% and %PROGRAMDATA% folders.

You can move your presets into another folder, e.g. to share them wil colleagues. In that case you must update the corresponding setting in IMatch (Edit > Preferences > Application...).
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Same problem here.

IMatch was even open, when I creating some new files (.afdesign + .pdf) and IMatch stop to show this new files (but show the right number). My PC was running for 3 days nonstop.

The files are shown correctly on the timeline. If I select them and click "Go to folder"; the aren't shown up.

What I try but didn't help yet:
- Restart Windows
- Diagnose Tool
- Optimizing Tool
- STRG + F5
- Relocate Folder
- no filter active

Quote from: Mario on August 23, 2017, 06:45:34 PM
Did you run a database diagnosis to ensure the database is OK?


QuoteDoes it change anything when you change the sort profile?

QuoteFilter Panel active perhaps?

QuoteDo you use file versioning, stacking perhaps?

QuoteAny change when you switch between the problem folder and another folder and back?

QuoteDoes the IMatch log file report any warnings or errors? Search for lines containing W> or E>  (more info about the log file in the IMatch help).
No. Just IMatch doesn't find the right dictionary.

Debug Errors:
79 [1B9C] 01  W>                  ShellExtractThumbEx failed with Klasse nicht registriert  'PTPIMultiMedia.cpp(103)'


I also just had this same problem again.  Yesterday I added 23 new JPGs to my database, categorized them and moved them to their permanent folder and all was well.  This morning when I launched IMatch 2017.8.2 those 23 JPGs would not display in media and folders or categories view.  They would display in collections and timeline.

Did diagnostics, no problems.
Exited and restarted, same problem.
Enabled full logging mode then exited and restarted.
Verified the problem still existed, clicked the categories and folder where those 23 JPGs should be displayed and verified they were not being displayed.
Closed the database and opened another database then closed that one and reopened my primary database and the problem disappeared.

Log file attached.


Quote from: JohnZeman on August 24, 2017, 03:55:27 PM
Closed the database and opened another database then closed that one and reopened my primary database and the problem disappeared.

Doesn't help for me.


Upload your database somewhere. This problem is too random to diagnose otherwise. If I have your DB and it shows the same effect on my computer, I can find the source of the problem.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on August 24, 2017, 06:19:25 PM
Upload your database somewhere. This problem is too random to diagnose otherwise. If I have your DB and it shows the same effect on my computer, I can find the source of the problem.

That could be a problem. The database size is 2,7 GB; but I just have a 2000 kB/s Connection (download). I zipped it to 900 MB; but it would take a while.  ;)


OK. But I need to reproduce this and I don't see a way. I work with six databases daily, and I have not seen this effect in any of these databases. And I use IMatch 2017 for about four months. This must be something really, really specific. Especially if it goes away by loading another database, or running a diagnosis or restoring a totally unrelated preset file...
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Maybe this could be a help:

In the morning I look at the file-Explorer (Windows 10) in the "Schnellzugriff" (I don't know the right english term for this). My database was shown inside the wrong folder (Cache-Root-Folder instead the Database-Folder).
I click on this database, but of course Windows can't find it.

I look in the root-Cache-Folder an delete IMWS-Folder. After that, I restart IMatch and all files are shown. So, problem solved with this workaround.


I'm not sure that I understand.

Your database (the .imd5 file) was in the cache folder?
Which IMWS folder did you delete where?

The IMatch installer creates an IMWS folder here:


This folder only contains resources needed by the IMWS embedded in IMatch (bitmaps, schema.json etc.)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Maybe this are two different Issue.

My Cache-Folder:
G:\00 IMatch\previewcache

My Database-Folder:
I:\00 IMatch5
And there are really all Databases.

1. Observation: Windows Explorer - Schnellzugriff "Zuletzt verwendete Dateien"

When I open my Database "Musik" it is shown in the correct folder: "I:\00 IMatch5"
When I open my problematic Database "Unterricht" it is shown in the wrong folder: "G:\00 IMatch" -> There is really no Database.

2. Obersatvation
I have IMWS inside C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\IMWS AND Previewcache. If I delete the IMWS inside the previewcache, IMatch creates it again at the next startup.


I don't know what Windows is messing up on your system.

The only place for the IMWS folder to be is the folder I mentioned. This is where the installer creates it, and where IMatch looks for it.
If you virtualize folders or map different drive letters to the same physical folders you have to figure things out for yourself. Ask Microsoft support why your database shows up in two drives (?) in Windows Explorer. Weird.

The PreviewCache is where IMatch stores cache files. You can see the configured location for this folder in Edit > Preferences > Cache. The database should not be in the same folder as the cache because this messages with the file system monitoring. As explained in the help to some length, always keep the IMatch database in a separate folder that is not part of the database or another folder monitoring by IMatch. Doing otherwise can badly mess up with performance.

Maybe clean up things.

1. Create a folder for your databases. like G:\IMatch Databases.
2. Create a folder for your off-line cache, like G:\IMatch Cache and move cache files to it. Then re-configure the cache folder in IMatch to point at this folder.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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