"Rescan Needed" says no even though a new folder was added

Started by kiwilink, September 20, 2017, 01:56:48 AM

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I added a folder outside of IMATCH and when I started IMATCH I assumed that after a while the "Rescan Needed" flag in the Properties window would change from no to yes but it did not (see attachment 1).  I had a similar issue a few years ago so I looked back in the discussions and saw that Mario stated in a reply that "Advanced File System Monitoring" should not be turned off. 

I don't ever remember turning this off.  Is the default "On"?  Should I check this box (see attachment 2)?




IMatch does not add new sub-folders added in an external application automatically.
The user usually wants to control whether or not folders are added to a database. To bring new sub-folders into the database, perform a manual rescan of the parent folder (Shift+F5).


Any way that I can override this behavior?

I created a top level folder Pics, and added to iMatch.

Then I am using rsync to deposite images into this folder (as subfolders).

I want iMatch to keep automatically index any news files / subfolders under Pics.

Now, it is not.


I do the same, but I add subfolders and images "by hand" into a main-folder.
IMatch does index such images or folders automatically.

I am not sure, if this preference is the reason for your "non-indexing", see attachement.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Edit > Preferences > Indexing: Advanced folder monitoring.

Press <F1> when this dialog is open to learn what this feature does, why you may want to enable it or not.

IMatch is designed to manage only the folders you explicitly add to your database. If you add new folders under a folder already n your database, pressing <Shift>+<F5> brings in all new sub-folders and remove no longer existing files.


I started with a new DB and remove everything under c:\programdata\photools.com\imatch6

After newDB is created:
1.  I added an empty folder g:\pics\1
2.  Enable Advanced File System Monitoring
3.  Restart iMatch6

While iMatch is running:
a.  I move a folder (20190329) having several subfolders into g:\pics\1
b.  I manually make a new folder as 1\a
c.  I manually make another new folder as 20190329\b

Wait --
d.  Then in Recently Updated Fodlers listed the subfolders of 20190329

Wait another 5 minutes

Still no indexing activities happended.

After reading the online help, I expect iMatch will start index without pressing any keys.

Or it will depends on the date/time of the file/folder (20190329) being put into 1\ ?


You moved the folder where and how?
Why don't you just press Shift+F5 on the parent folder to start the rescan? That's the sensible thing to do and solves all problems.

If you move the folder outside of IMatch: Windows file system notifications are notoriously unreliable, may come in the wrong order etc.
This is way advanced is off and IMatch indicates folder with changes that need your manual interaction with the icon. New and updated files are automatically added, folders may not (depends on how you modify the file system).


I move them outside of iMatch.

Using cmd or Explorer.

Because I want iMatch to keep monitor the base folder and auto index when there are new folders/files added.  Like folders / files synced from other computers into the base folder.

This way, when I come back to iMatch, I do not need to wait for the indexing to finish.


Just checked on my system:

With advanced folder monitoring on, I create a new folder with some files in a folder already indexed in IMatch.
After a few seconds, IMatch rescans the parent folder and brings in the new folder and the contained files.
I did the same with a folder very deep in the hierarchy. Again, IMatch picked up the changes, added the new folder and files.
Works as intended on my system.


Thanks for looking into this.

So there is something wrong in my computer.

It is time for me to do a fresh install of my Windows 10 then.