Request for Comment: File Lens

Started by Mario, September 21, 2017, 07:16:42 PM

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The File Lens feature for IMatch Anywhereβ„’ WebViewer is slowly taking shape.
Naturally, at this stage, I'm still making up my mind about how to design this thing, where to put what etc. Lots of dry thinking and experimenting.

But I've already implemented the core features, integration in IMatch WebViewer, JSON layout processing etc.
Now it's thinking about creating a simple user interface which has everything that is needed, but not more. IMatch WebViewer must be simpler and more approachable!

When you look at the design, please remember that this needs to work on smart phones (900 pixel or more), tablets, computers, TV sets, ...
The design needs to be responsive (adapt to screen size) and touch-friendly (for devices without a keyboard).

Click this image to zoom in.

I have now pretty much finalized the main categories to show: Data, Keywords, Location (GPS data, country, city, ...), Categories, Attributes and Settings (if any).

The "Data View" now supports multiple groups (in this case: Standard and Camera Data). This allows me to split the tags between multiple tabs, for smaller devices with narrow screen heights.
The "Location View" will manage GPS-related data, maybe provide a reverse-geocoding button. For adding GPS coordinates to files I will enhance the Map Layout to work similar to the Map Panel in IMatch.

I have implemented small helpers, e.g. the pen showing for modified fields (clicking the pen undoes the change). The field currently focused displays the text length (important for users who need to follow length guidelines).

I have a "as-you-type" auto-complete feature similar to the one in IMatch's metadata panel.
This will remember the last n typed texts for each text field automatically (per user).

I have a button which opens a "panel" below the input. I'm not sure yet if this will stay or what it shows...

In the row where you can select the "View" there is a drop-down menu which allows you to use Copy/Paste (the entire displayed data) and to store "templates" with all or selected data from the views. This will save a of typing when you have to fill in the same data all the time. A simpler form of IMatch's mighty Metadata Templates.

Progress is slow, but there is progress  :D
Lot's of chances to do things wrong at this time - and then it will be very expensive and time-consuming later to undo. Better do deep thinking now.


Today, for the first time, I could change metadata (rating, label, collections, title, description and other XMP data) in IMatch WebViewer and update the database. Eureka!

This is an important milestone in enhancing IMatch WebViewer to become an IMatch replacement for casual users or corporate workers.
Or for long-time IMatch users who enjoy editing metadata from anywhere.



I don't use anywhere (so far)
If one of the outcomes would be a file-window-app, I would love it.
Maybe a view like the bing/google image search,where images are packed very dense ...


I like this.
I like the different panes (Data, Keywords ...).

What I would like to have, is a "custom pane".
Means, I could put the fields, what are interesting for me, in one pane.
For example, the camera - infos (ISO, aperture...) is not important for me.

I would create one pane EG with

- Headline
- Description
- Attributes (but only some fields)
- only some categories
- keywords
- some collections

thats it. All fields would go in place for me in one pane.
Because then I would need only have open one pane, without switching some panes or so.
Another user would like to have other fields like me and so on.

But I think, this is not possible.   8)
Hence like you have it now, it looks very good!  :D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: ben on October 02, 2017, 01:11:21 PM
Maybe a view like the bing/google image search,where images are packed very dense ...
Why don't you switch your file window layout to one of the thumbnail only layouts, or maybe the index layout. This gives you 100 to 300 images on a single page, depending on your screen size and the zoom you set...This is a dense as it get, no app could do more.


Quote from: sinus on October 02, 2017, 01:18:26 PM

I would create one pane EG with

- Headline
- Description
- Attributes (but only some fields)
- only some categories
- keywords
- some collections

In IMatch WebViewer you can create two custom layouts which display anything that can be accessed via a variable. I think this already covers what you want. Did you try?  I'm sure you can setup a layout that shows you all the data you need directly in the IMatch WebViewer file window. 15 minutes and you should be all set.

In IMatch, you can configure a file window layout to display this information. You have 8 custom fields per thumbnail panel, and you can output and format (!) everything that comes from variables.

You can do that also with a custom app easily. Look at the app created by If all you need is viewing the data. Look, for example, at John's Collapsible Metadata Viewer app.

Updating is a totally different thing, though.
Mixing such different concepts like metadata, categories, collections and Attributes, user-configurable (!) on a page requires a lot of behind-the-curtain code when updates also must work. And the UI required to allow users to configure all this. And the update logic. This is not an app, it is a project. Several person weeks of development and the resulting cost. There should be a real good business case for this.


QuoteWhy don't you switch your file window layout to one of the thumbnail only layouts, or maybe the index layout. This gives you 100 to 300 images on a single page, depending on your screen size and the zoom you set...This is a dense as it get, no app could do more.
I do this very often. And i use different layouts for different purposes. That works great.

But it's not about showing hundrets of images at once, but to use the available space as good as possible. I often look at thumbnails which are shown rater big, i.e. 4-5 images in a row.

I attached two images.
Look at the google-image-search. Narrow images use less width than wider images.



Ah, the packed layout you mean. IMatch Anywhere does that already, in the default smart layout mode. Adaptive layouts with and without additional metadata display:

The problem here is the additional layout and calculation overhead. IMatch File Windows are unique in that they can (and need) to handle massive file counts (100,000 files and more) and still need to be able to scroll and work fast. Google shows maybe 50 images per page, and then it has to reload dynamically. Much harder to implement this with 100,000 or 200,000 files in the scope. Or in a browser. This is why IMatch uses a fixed layout with the same number of files per row.


Quote from: Mario on September 25, 2017, 08:14:29 PM
This is an important milestone in enhancing IMatch WebViewer to become an IMatch replacement for casual users or corporate workers.
Or for long-time IMatch users who enjoy editing metadata from anywhere.
An excellent mission.  My daughter is not interested in the bells and whsitles of IMatch 2017, but wants a simple app to categorise her images and to browse them by selecting the categories of interest.   But how would the database be created without the full IMatch?


Quote from: DigPeter on October 02, 2017, 07:25:40 PM
But how would the database be created without the full IMatch?
All part of the big plan.

First comes the file lens, which gives casual users easy way to add and edit metadata, categories and stuff.
This is what most people are missing right now.

Then the Admin interface will be extended to support database creation and additional maintenance features.

Then the WebViewer will be extended to do basic file management: add/update folders, renaming, copying, moving files on the "server", uploading files etc.

In the end, a user may decide to use IMatch Anywhere alone, without needing the desktop version of IMatch at all.

This is of course a process and I want to keep both IMatch for Windows and IMatch Anywhere improving side-by-side.
IMatch itself will benefit a lot from the web technology I'm working on. What we have seen so far from "apps" is only the beginning.


QuoteAh, the packed layout you mean
Awesome. Thanks for explaining the technical background.
Will this be available for iMatch, though?


Quote from: ben on October 03, 2017, 07:42:34 AM
Will this be available for iMatch, though?
What do you mean? The File Lens? That's IMatch Anywhere only.
I may add something similar to IMatch at some point - but IMatch already has all the features and a lot more flexibility and power.


sorry, i was not clear.

will the "packed layout" become part of iMatch?
Maybe as part of the future file-window-app you were talking about.


Quote from: ben on October 03, 2017, 11:28:01 AM
sorry, i was not clear.

will the "packed layout" become part of iMatch?
Maybe as part of the future file-window-app you were talking about.
Such a 'masonry' layout would definitely a possibility.
One problem is that even the 'infinite' versions have restrictions regarding how many objects (images) they can manage. IMatch File Windows have no problem with 100,000 files...


Quote from: Mario on October 02, 2017, 07:34:30 PM
Quote from: DigPeter on October 02, 2017, 07:25:40 PM
But how would the database be created without the full IMatch?
All part of the big plan.

First comes the file lens, which gives casual users easy way to add and edit metadata, categories and stuff.
This is what most people are missing right now.

Then the Admin interface will be extended to support database creation and additional maintenance features.

Then the WebViewer will be extended to do basic file management: add/update folders, renaming, copying, moving files on the "server", uploading files etc.

In the end, a user may decide to use IMatch Anywhere alone, without needing the desktop version of IMatch at all.

This is of course a process and I want to keep both IMatch for Windows and IMatch Anywhere improving side-by-side.
IMatch itself will benefit a lot from the web technology I'm working on. What we have seen so far from "apps" is only the beginning.
Looks good - but to reach the target users, please keep it easy to operate.  For instance if 'rename' is provided, it needs to be simpler than in IMatch 2017.


Quote from: DigPeter on October 03, 2017, 12:55:31 PM
(...) target users, please keep it easy to operate.  For instance if 'rename' is provided, it needs to be simpler than in IMatch 2017.

I think IMatch does it right: Press <F2> and then enter a new file name. What could be simpler?


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 01:18:12 PM
Quote from: DigPeter on October 03, 2017, 12:55:31 PM
(...) target users, please keep it easy to operate.  For instance if 'rename' is provided, it needs to be simpler than in IMatch 2017.

I thing IMatch does it right: Press <F2> and then enter a new file name. What could be simpler?

I agree with you fully.  :D No problem, really.
But if you ask "what could be simpler": Click on the filename in the thumb directly (if there is a name displayed) and rename it  ;D

But as I said, F2 is fine.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on October 03, 2017, 02:20:30 PM
But if you ask "what could be simpler": Click on the filename in the thumb directly (if there is a name displayed) and rename it  ;D

- What if you have a file window layout which does not show the file name?
- What if the thumbnail is to small to show the full file name? Scrolling will entering a new file name is a real nuisance.
- What if multiple files are selected? <F2> has smart logic built-in.
I prefer the simple, works alwasys <F2> method.

For a browser-based user interface, the way such a feature is implemented will be totally different.

- Consider small devices.
- Consider touch devices with on-screen keyboards
- Consider pen input.
- Consider voice input (!)

Voice recognition is making massive progress. And this makes is a very good alternative for typing when it comes to text, keywords, descriptions - or file names.
IMatch Anywhere will benefit from that, and IMatch in turn as well.


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 01:18:12 PM
Quote from: DigPeter on October 03, 2017, 12:55:31 PM
(...) target users, please keep it easy to operate.  For instance if 'rename' is provided, it needs to be simpler than in IMatch 2017.

I think IMatch does it right: Press <F2> and then enter a new file name. What could be simpler?
I agree absolutely.  I was thinking of batch rename.  More like IM4 perhaps?


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 02:54:25 PM
Quote from: sinus on October 03, 2017, 02:20:30 PM
But if you ask "what could be simpler": Click on the filename in the thumb directly (if there is a name displayed) and rename it  ;D

- What if you have a file window layout which does not show the file name?
Then I must use F2.

Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 02:54:25 PM
- What if the thumbnail is to small to show the full file name? Scrolling will entering a new file name is a real nuisance.

Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 02:54:25 PM
- What if multiple files are selected? <F2> has smart logic built-in.
The same like now with F2, a windows would pop-up.

Do not take me wrong:
For me like it is now, it is fine!!

But since you asked, I answered.
If we could rename also the name directly, displayed below or above a thumb, then I would surely not use F2.
Except the name is too small or I have a layout without a name.
Then I would simply use F2.

But again: this is so a small thing, surely not a problem, that it is not worth to mention it (for me). I answered really only because you asked "what could be simpler?".
Mostly or often a thing can be made simpler or better or quicker, but if it is worth the effort to do so or if it is finally really better, is often also the final question.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: DigPeter on October 03, 2017, 03:24:18 PM
I agree absolutely.  I was thinking of batch rename.  More like IM4 perhaps?

What is the problem with the Batch Renamer?
There are no bug reports and the service request quote is less than 0.5% (How many users from 100 report problems or have questions about the Batch Renamer). So most users seem to handle it well.
Think about the fact that this tool is used by thousands of users, and all probably have different requirements.
The step-based approach seems to work well. And even complicated special cases are fairly easy to handle by using variables.

You did not give any details about what you would expect. And there was never an IM4. There was IMatch 3 and then IMatch 5. I don't recall the batch renamer of IMach 3 anymore. Was there such a thing? This is all four years in the past for me, sorry.

I also doubt that it would make sense to implement a batch processor in a browser. Priority 4, at least.


Quote from: sinus on October 03, 2017, 03:47:32 PM
Except the name is too small or I have a layout without a name.

- Why two different ways to do the same thing?
- How often would you save time by aiming at the file name in a thumbnail panel and then left-clicking instead of just pressing <F2>?

Also, remember: In IMatch 3, the file name was always fixed at the same position.

In IMatch 5, your file window layout controls where you display the file name, and in which format.
Some users might even use a variable instead, to get a special formatting for the file name.
All this works not too well with left-clicking end inline editing. Hence the neat <F2> solution.


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 05:24:40 PM
Quote from: sinus on October 03, 2017, 03:47:32 PM
Except the name is too small or I have a layout without a name.

- Why two different ways to do the same thing?
- How often would you save time by aiming at the file name in a thumbnail panel and then left-clicking instead of just pressing <F2>?

Also, remember: In IMatch 3, the file name was always fixed at the same position.

In IMatch 5, your file window layout controls where you display the file name, and in which format.
Some users might even use a variable instead, to get a special formatting for the file name.
All this works not too well with left-clicking end inline editing. Hence the neat <F2> solution.

I agree also.
To be precise, we have several things, where IMatch offers to do the same thing on two or even more ways and this is not bad, in contrary.
For example, I can use Ctlr P for D&P, I can use Favorites and and I can  use, I think some menus and maybe even more.

IMatch offers so mutch, that I do not remember all.  ;D
Finally, as I have written, renaming a file or batch files is very good for me. It works and thats it.

And yes, I can remember, that the name was fixed in IM3, and now this much much better!  :D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 05:20:50 PM
What is the problem with the Batch Renamer?
Nothing - it does an excellent job, but it took me some time to understand it.  I would have thought that your target user for the enhances IMA would want something simpler.

QuoteThere are no bug reports and the service request quote is less than 0.5% (How many users from 100 report problems or have questions about the Batch Renamer). So most users seem to handle it well.
Think about the fact that this tool is used by thousands of users, and all probably have different requirements.
The step-based approach seems to work well. And even complicated special cases are fairly easy to handle by using variables.
Oh dear, Mario - I am NOT criticising IMatch 2017 batch renamer.  You asked for comment about an enhanced IMA arising out of File Lens.  That is my comment.  If I have misinterpreted your target user, I apologise. 

I also doubt that it would make sense to implement a batch processor in a browser. Priority 4, at least.
I am not asking for a batch renamer - my comment arose from my assumption that this is what you meant by "renamer" in your reply to my first post.


We're on the same point.

When I would integrate a batch renamer into a browser-based IMatch version, I don't think it could be simplified. All the features of the renamer exist because they are needed.
If you search for renamer-related topics, you'll see that most of the posts are about how to archive something specific/complex, to support a custom file naming schema, integrate metadata in the file name, produce a specific date/time format and so on. This gives me a good insight in what users are doing with the renamer.

"Happy users don't post" is a golden rule in the business - and this is totally true for this community. If IMatch does the job and the user can figure out how things work by herself, she will never post in this community. Users usually don't bother to post "I just managed to rename my files exactly how I want"  ;)

I learn a lot from what people ask here or via email. And also from what never becomes a topic. And I make changes in IMatch based on that.

The "simpler" default search mode for the file window search bar was one of the latest additions.
Or the extra "No filter active" banner at the top of the filter panel - an aid for new and casual users.

IMatch will always be a more complex software. That's inevitable, given the massive feature set.

As you correctly assumed, for IMatch WebViewer I try to reduce things to the bare minimum of features. Less features means a slicker and easier user interface.
But not all features can be simplified. When I would remove something from a "batch rename" feature, I would probably reduce the usefulness for the majority of users. I will try, though.


Quote from: Mario on October 03, 2017, 08:52:54 PM
As you correctly assumed, for IMatch WebViewer I try to reduce things to the bare minimum of features. Less features means a slicker and easier user interface.
But not all features can be simplified. When I would remove something from a "batch rename" feature, I would probably reduce the usefulness for the majority of users. I will try, though.
I agree with your earlier statement that Batch renamer is low priority in IMA.