Entering keywords directly into the metadata panel

Started by loweskid, October 03, 2017, 10:08:31 PM

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Not important but I just wondered if the following is the intended behavior...

I know I should enter new keywords into the 'Enter new keywords here...' box but if I just want to add a single keyword to a single file it's sometimes quicker just to enter it directly into the Keywords field in the Metadata panel, which IMatch allows.  However, when I do this all the existing keywords are entered into the 'Recent' panel as a single entry, which fills up the box with a long 'keyword'.  The attached image shows the whole string underlined when the mouse is hovered over it (mouse cursor not shown in the screen grab).

Is this intended?


I don't understand.
Did you separate it from the other keywords with the standard list terminator for your locale (semicolon, usually)?
This is usually not a problem at all.

Or maybe this is caused by a thesaurus lookup on your system?


Thanks for the quick reply.  Yes, I used a semicolon.

I tried another test using a fresh image with no keywords - I enter....  one; two; three; four; five  in the 'Enter keywords...' box, then the green tick to transfer them to the metadata panel and these show up as individual keywords in the 'Recent' panel.  So far so good - see image 04.

Then I click on the Keywords box in the Metadata panel at left and enter after the five...  ; six  and click the green tick button.

The keywords show up correctly in the metadata panel but the all the keywords that were previously entered, plus the new word 'six', transfer to the 'Recent' panel as a single 'keyword', underlined in yellow when I hover the mouse over - see image 05.

If I click on it, it doesn't get entered again as a keyword in that image but if I select another image and click on it, it then correctly enters all the keywords at once into the new image.  Which is why I wondered if this is intended behavior.  If so then that's fine, it's not a problem.  It's just that if I have a lot of keywords already entered it fills up the 'Recent' panel very quickly, which makes it more difficult to find individual keywords.


Please file a bug report and include a link to this thread.

I recommend you use the Keyword Panel to enter keywords until I had the time to look at this glitch.

Tip: You can clear the Recent keywords from the menu in the Keyword Panel.