Modal window once made full screen stays that way forever

Started by ubacher, October 06, 2017, 01:32:17 PM

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I have a modal app. I manually increased the window size to full screen with the icon on the top right.
Now the app is stuck with this size - I can not reduce it.

If someone wants to test this - I attach an app.
It just closes the window after 4 seconds:
$(document).ready(function () {
                setTimeout(function () { IMatch.modalClose() }, 4000);


PS: How do I recover from this??


Modal windows remember their last size.
Does Windows not show the standard menu items?
Do the standard Windows hotkeys to restore the window not work? <Windows key> + <cursor down>

When I make a modal window full-screen (e.g. the Sample Modal App) I can click the icon to restore the original size.


Sample app works OK.
I think it might have to do with the timeout I am using.


I found that if I move the window I then get the resizing arrows and I can resize the window.
And the full screen/smaller screen icon is working now.


What does this mean?
Do the restore/minimize icons in the caption bar appear out of the blue?
Or did yo move the window outside the desktop so you just did not see the icons anymore?

You can always restore any window with the <Windows> + <Cursor down> hotkey. That's standard.


I think that was a one-up fluke - at least I can not reproduce it.