Juicebox problem with category formulas

Started by axel.hennig, March 06, 2016, 01:13:47 PM

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I've tested the Juicebox Web Gallery Export and I've got a problem with "Formulas".

I created a category named "Juicebox" containing all categories which I want to export to Juicebox. These subcategories contain formulas to other categories or to folders. The problem is that in Juicebox the categories with formulas do not contain any pictures.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Attached are two screenshots: One from IMatch (category view and on from Firefox with Juicebox).


[attachment deleted by admin]


I think the script only considers direct assignments. You can change the script if you want to support formula-based categories as well.


I checked. The script only uses the files directly assigned to categories. The assumption is that you prepare the categories you want to export in advance, and to prevent that the same files show up in both the parent and the children. The later is very important, since parent categories by default contain all files of their child categories, recursively. This is why Cat.DirectFiles is used in the script, to keep the Navigation clean.


Hi Mario,

thanks a lot for your hint with the script and the "Cat.DirectFiles" command. I changed the script at 3 or 4 positions and everything works as I would like to have it.

Thanks for your help (on a Sunday) and for your great software.



Very good.

If you modify a system script like this, make sure you make a backup copy before installing IMatch updates. The IMatch installer will replace your version of the script with the default system script.


And again: Thanks. I would have forgotten this.


I want to revive this topic because I wasn't sure what corrective action to take. I followed the guidance of the Help file for creating a category based navigation. I created a new category specifically to perform the export to Juicebox. I also created child categories each of which is a formula to other categories to which files are actually assigned. In the Categories view, I can see that the files are being correctly found. However, when I drag this new created category for export, I get zero files in the resulting export. In the help file there is what appears conflicting guidance:

"Note:For web galleries with navigation, only directly assigned files are used."


"We then created child categories as needed and assigned files to these categories. We could also have linked in existing categories via Alias categories or formulas."

I am using categories linked to existing categories via formulas.

Please advise what I'm doing wrong, or what corrective to make this work. I'm in a bind right now with a hard deadline approaching fast.



Juicebox is no longer used for IMatch. Thing of the past.

When I remember correctly, the script used directly assigned files only.
To create a navigation, setup a category hierarchy to layout the navigation, then assign the files you want to see in that navigation to the corresponding categories.
This allows the script to create the navigation successfully.


Hello bnewman,

please find attached my modified Juicebox-script. Since I'm using IMatch 2017 I can't test it anymore.

Use a diff-tool to see the changes I made.



Thank you both. I temporarily solved my problem the brute force way by assigning the files to the categories that had been formulas. I have delayed my starting to use the new version of IMatch because I will need to work at modifying all the scripts that I had previously written. I know that I can install the new version alongside IMatch5, but really want to migrate to the new version after I've set time aside to create new scripts. But thanks for your advice, and for the revised script.