PLEASE COMMENT - Working with Categories in the File Lens

Started by Mario, October 09, 2017, 02:17:28 PM

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Another weekend, another view done...

After finishing the preliminary File Lens view for keywords (see threads below) I worked on the feature which will allow you to work with categories in the File Lens.
To be mobile/touch friendly and to enable the File Lens to work with very large category hierarchies I went for a design similar to how you work with keywords.

Instead of a "tree control" which is usually very hard if not impossible to use on touch-only devices I used the same drill-down view I used for keywords. You drill-down your category hierarchy from @All, one level at a time. The breadcrumb navigation at the top always shows you where you are in your hierarchy and enables quick jumps to any level.

The display of the currently assigned categories I used a design similar to the Category Panel "Current" tab in IMatch. You can choose if you only want to see directly assigned categories or also @Keywords and data-driven categories. And you can reduce the display to showing the bottom level (leaf level) only, which works better on small screens.

I plan to implement a search function similar to what we have in the keywords view, but the performance will be a problem. Currently the view only needs to load the categories for the displayed level. For a search, it would have to load all categories, which can take a long time over a network...need to think about this.

Have a look at these screen shots (click to zoom):


I have now also added features to create, delete and edit categories directly in the File Lens.
The workflow is simple and touch-friendly.

Not all features available for categories in IMatch will be available, but all important things will work.
There is no formula editor and no data-driven editor. If there is demand for such a thing, it can be added in a later version.
Giving the (as far as I know) typical environments in which IMatch Anywhere WebViewer is used, this will be more than good enough.

I have split the user privileges for categories as well. There are now separate privileges for assign/un-assign and for manipulating the category schema. This gives finer control over which users can use categories and which users have the privilege to add, remove or modify categories.

This is how it looks when a IMatch Anywhere WebViewer user is editing a new or existing category (click image to zoom):


Looking very nice... I agree with not putting too much info / ability into this particular product.. or at the very least... allowing user configuration of features to remove stuff that isn't needed for certain users.


That looks great. The user will be possible to do a lot of cataloging on a tablet. I'am using the iPad Pro. That will be a great step.