Newbie to scripting 2 questions Error 403: Forbidden

Started by Aubrey, October 15, 2017, 02:33:30 PM

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I'm starting to look at apps. 2 questions:

I've set up IMatch to use port 49777 (edit|preferences)
As per:

When I use "localhost:49777"
I get message on chrome browser:
Error 403: Forbidden
Error: Directory listing denied

To try to resolve I've:
Shut off windows firewall (ugh!)
Shut off Panda antivirus
Set privileges on C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot to Users full control (ugh!)

All to no avail... what am I missing?

Question 2:
I'm making a change to Mario's app (I've backed up the folderC:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\imatch\apps)
When I make a change on a js file I have to restart IMatch for it to be accepted (and sometimes it does not see the change???). Is there a way to get IMatch to reload the js scripts without restarting?

Reason for changes is that I want to track variables with the console.log command.



I'm a newbie and probably not going about this in the most efficient manner!!!!!


Just accessing localhost:49777 will not work. There is no 'web site' running at that address. Nothing IMWS could serve.
All apps in IMatch are arranged in sub-folders.
You are trying to access what, exactly? From where? An external browser I assume?

Use the "Open app in web browser..." from the App Manager to open an app. This will show you the correct URL in your browser:

IMatch App Panel automatically reloads when it detects changes done to the app code or HTML.
If you run your app in an external web browser, you will have to press <F5> to reload the app.
Also, make sure to disable the cache of your browser (in the developer tools) to avoid the browser fulfilling requests from the cache.