Understanding the Time Zone Offset

Started by sinus, October 21, 2017, 09:55:16 AM

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In the helpfile of IMatch I have read the Time Zone Offset.
I have troubles to understand this.

There is written bout 9 hours adjusting, but I can only see a 0 in the Hours.
And the two times in the red boxes does also not match.

Sorry, I am sure, I have a chaos in my brain, but I cannot find the loose end to solve this.  :-\

See attachement 1 of the helpfile

Attachement 2 shows my map.
I have 180 images in the scope.
150 have GPS data, hence only 30 should be looked in.

What is the Current Scope Timeline?
What are these two dates, from what image?

With what hours-offset I could "sync" the GPX-trackline with the Current Scope Timeline?

And last question: also the minute are different, I guess, minutes are not important here?

Sorry, but I am really confused.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Look at the UTC time range in the upper and lower display.

Your files have times starting at 6:35.17 ... and your track lock has times starting at 11:28.42
Looks like an offset of 5 hours (6 -> 11) will shift your files to match the track log.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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Thanks, Mario

I will try this and read again the manual.  ;D
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


These complications are one of the reasons Mario recommends setting the camera clock to UTC. From my perspective, however, I like seeing 'local' time of when images are recorded, so I'm willing to deal with the complications. After you've been through the time zone offset process a few times, it gets a bit more familiar.

Regarding the UTC time range display, it's a good idea to double check your images to be sure they're in the right locations. Location can be off significantly if your calculation is off by an hour or so, as I noted in https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=7231.msg50249#msg50249 (i.e., Arch of Titus vs. the Colosseum). Being off by an hour can be easy when daylight savings time changes (or, in some locations, doesn't change)...