Script request for workflow: combine template and batch rename

Started by DigPeter, October 27, 2017, 08:11:11 PM

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I am reviewing my workflow for downloading image files in IMatch 2017.  At present I do this through Downloader Pro which fills standard XMP fields and renames the file.   

My revised workflow is at present:

1.  Download from SD Card direct to IMatch (into an external drive)
2.  Use a metadata template (called "Metadata import" to fill standard XMP fields
3.  From exif data, batch rename to a new file name in format {YYYYMMDD}-{JobCode}{last 5 figures of name for camera} - and move to folder of the same date  (I already have a preset to do this)

Can a script combine steps 2 & 3 into a single App?


You cannot 'run' a metadata template from an app, but you can of course fill metadata from an app.
You can also rename/move/copy files from an app or create new folders.

Of course it would be much easier to create a purpose-build app which implements exactly your workflow. Implementing a generic app which applies metadata and renames files based on some criteria will be a much more complex task.


Thanks Mario.  I cannot do scripting.  So it would appear that I must continue without, unless some kind scripter can help.


I run a metadata template during ingesting automatically. And I run the Renamer after culling to properly rename my files.
I use Favorites to run the Renamer, with a keyboard shortcut.

I don't find this too much of a burden. Definitely not enough to see the need to write an app which saves me pressing <F3>,<R> to run my Renamer preset after I've weeded out the looser files.

Maybe a user will take the challenge and write you a script which implements your personal workflow.

Carlo Didier

Quote from: DigPeter on October 27, 2017, 08:11:11 PM
I am reviewing my workflow for downloading image files in IMatch 2017.  At present I do this through Downloader Pro which fills standard XMP fields and renames the file.   

My revised workflow is at present:

1.  Download from SD Card direct to IMatch (into an external drive)
2.  Use a metadata template (called "Metadata import" to fill standard XMP fields
3.  From exif data, batch rename to a new file name in format {YYYYMMDD}-{JobCode}{last 5 figures of name for camera} - and move to folder of the same date  (I already have a preset to do this)

Can a script combine steps 2 & 3 into a single App?

That's actually something every import functionality should be able to do.

I also use Downloader Pro and in addition to the above it also adds GPS data from GPX files at the same time. Another step you can't automate in the iMatch import. But that's not a problem for me, because Downloader Pro is a specialised tool which does an excellent job and has many options, so that my workflow is very short:
- get the GPX file (where applicable)
- import with Downloader Pro (adding XMP metadata, GPS coordinates, renaming, etc, etc, all in one go)
- cull in Bridge
- import in iMatch


GPX files can be imported via the IMatch Map Panel. Since they often need custom adjustments to the timestamps, this is not too much extra effort.
And if, you can easily write a command line for ExifTool and trigger it from a shortcut. Pulls in GPX from into all files in a folder.
Another step saved with a single mouse click. How to do that has been posted here several times.

Writing an app which processes GPX files per folder is now easy, since I have created the IMatch GPX import module for apps and include it in IMatch. Maybe a user gives this a shot some day, or I myself, when I find the time.

Or, maybe a total complete downloader app...

I'm not sure but when you add XMP data in Downloader, does it migrate the changes back to EXIF/IPTC/GPS using MWG rules?
Else you might create issues when you are not careful. Just saying. I have not used DLP in years.

"Cull in Bridge"? Honestly. Hah....probably you don't need IMatch at all  ;)


I have been using all DLP for all these functions, but I am investigating whether they can be done more efficiently in IMatch. The advantage of DLP is that they can all be done inone pass. But GPX handling is very good in Imatch - I particularly like how time zones are handled - much easier than DLP.

I attach a file that downloaded GPS data through DLP.  I have not had a metadata problem with this.


The XMP record in this file was created by IMatch / ExifTool. Not by DLP.
It seems to be missing a write-back as well, because the GPS data is only in the XMP, but not in the GPS record in the file.

Carlo Didier

Quote from: Mario on October 29, 2017, 08:40:30 PM"Cull in Bridge"? Honestly. Hah....probably you don't need IMatch at all  ;)

:) I still need iMatch, I also still find that I'm fastest with Bridge. And I save time by importing less images into iMatch after the culling. And DLP automatically opens Bridge for me on the imported folder ...

Also, as I use Bridge (ACR) to "develop" my pictures anyway, I can as well do that right before I throw them at iMatch (I actually cull them and then convert to DNG and iMatch picks those up automatically, with my edits in the embedded preview, so I always see a developed image in iMatch without having to save copies as jpg or tiff).

For later edits, I have a right-click-script (remember I'm still using IM5) which allows me to quickly open an image in Bridge right from iMatch. Very convenient.


IMatch 2017 is faster than IMatch 5 in almost all relevant features. I can use 64-bit processor instructions, and use all those wide and shiny 64-bit memory pipes...  ;)

Carlo Didier

Quote from: Mario on October 30, 2017, 07:42:02 PM
IMatch 2017 is faster than IMatch 5 in almost all relevant features. I can use 64-bit processor instructions, and use all those wide and shiny 64-bit memory pipes...  ;)
I just tested on a folder with just 55 images. In Bridge (64bit too), selected the first image, pressed the spacebar and then slowly browsed through them all to get the cache build. Then pressed and held the
right-arrow key. Bridge raced through the images without skipping anything and without blanking the screen.

Tried a similar thing in IM2017: Opened the folder in the viewer and slowly browsed through to build the cache. Then pressed and held the right-arrow key. Started flipping through, but quickly just displayed a black screen with "loading ...".

But that's not a realistic situation anyway. The main reason to cull before adding to iMatch is simply to have less images to import. The culling itself can be done as fast in iMatch as in Bridge (or FastPictureViewer or whatever), but the import is way faster with less images. There's the time saved.