Could we have a workflow forum here?

Started by stonecherub, August 19, 2013, 02:53:02 AM

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Perhaps we might start a workflow forum. I have mine, you have yours, we don't take the same photographs. BUT, I suspect I might learn something from what you (collectively) do.

Describe your photography (I stumble across lava flows photographing volcanoes and volcanic rock) and your purpose. I have the world's goddamndest volcanic field with the world's goddamndest volcano and a website.

I am suggesting this because I'm afraid that I've forgotten something important that you haven't.


I think, this is a good idea. When I recall correct, postings in aspect to workflow have mostly a lot of answers.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Me too thinks that this might be a good idea...
Cheers, Michael
Intel i7 | 8GB | ATI HD5770 | OS: Win8 (64 Bits)




I'm not sure that a dedicated forum will be required for this.

I suggest you start something in the FAQ Board and we see how it goes. If there are a lot of postings I can create a sub-forum and move the posts easily.