Empty Appmanager, no pins in map view

Started by ralph, December 04, 2017, 08:50:07 PM

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I installed imatch 2017.11.4 (trial). I added some pictures to IMatch, but there are no in pins in the map panel, but openstreetmap  is shown.  (My images have coordinates attached and they are recognized by IMatch.)
After some searching I found https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=6617 as similar.

Next I tried some apps:

  • InfoApp appears to run. (At least to some point, see white empty bar at the bottom, below "About this App:").
  • MapApp renders openstreetmap, but no coordiantes from images.
  • VarToy and Appmanager are empty.
The firefox console displays some errors about missing files.

Reinstalling IMatch did not help.



This looks like something is interfering with IMatch or the Chromium browser process running in the App Panels.
Anti-virus? Group policy or software execution policy preventing Chromium from running properly?

The log file looks clean, no unusual warnings or errors.
But the Info App seems to be unable to determine the name or the user running IMatch and the Var Toy cannot do anything...

Please switch IMatch to debug logging via Help > Support > ...
Then restart. This adds more detailed info to the log file.

If you can run apps in your web browser, please switch from the "Net" tab to the "Console" tab and then press <F5> to reload the app.
The error messages logged to the console are more relevant than the Net tab output in this case. If JavaScript fails to run or there are other error messages, they will be written to the console window in your browser.



thanks for quick response.
There is no anti virus software installed on this computer. Its an normal win 7 home system. There is no custom group policy or software execution policy, I'm aware of.

Imatch tells on start "Debug logging is enabled", I think logs from yesterday contains debug info also. I attach log files from today.

Because you are using chromium, i switch to chrome for browser testing.
I get one error for vartoy in console, for app manager there are 6 errors.

If it matters, there is no proxy server configured in system and also not in
netsh winhttp show proxy



Your system is looking in all the wrong places (??) for the apps which are shipped with IMatch.

Did you move folders under C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6 to other locations?

Under Edit > Preferences > Application make sure that the "Document Root" setting points at C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot



no I dont move anything on disk around. To be safe i renamed c:\ProgramData\photools.com\ .
Installer created this foldertree again.

c:\ProgramData\photools.com\imatch6\webroot\ contains now 256 files and 88 folders.
I can provide a recursive listing (as text of course, no picture)  of these folder, if it is usefull.

I think, document root setting is correct, double checked it.



Since this is a problem that apparently happens only one one PC, I'm pretty sure that it's some 3rd party software actively blocking access to the web server embedded in IMatch or the Chromium browser processes. If the App Manager cannot read the file system via IMWS in IMatch, it cannot load the list of apps. If the Var Parser app cannot use the Web Server in IMatch, it will stay blank.

Since the browser is unable to get any response from the web server, maybe your firewall interferes. Do yo use a 3rd party firewall? IMatch creates a firewall rule in the standard Windows firewall during installation and hence such problems only happen if the user runs a 3rd party firewall or a anti-virus / browser plug-in / banking security etc. which hooks into the IP processing and blocks access to the embedded web server in IMatch.


no, its no more only one PC. First I tried on a second PC with win 7. Same result. Ok, not important, 2nd pc is way to old and weak...

Next try: Default installation of windows 10 pro on a empty disk. (Windows 10 from media creation tool, Version 17.09). Installation of imatch Version 17.11.3. (In my first post I also installed 17.11.3)
Appmanager is empty again. I disabled windows defender and windows firewall. Appmanager is empty.
I'm sure there is no software except windows and imatch and firefox. The latter was installed after I've seen the empty appmanager.

Error messages in browser about missing files and paths are gone by appending a / to the url.

I've also  tried your python client imatch_access.py There is an error message saying:
403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
{'error': {'code': 1200, 'message': 'Too many sessions. Increase maximum session count in configuration file or install more CALS.'}}
('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))

Is this only a licence thing or a pointer to somewhat?

Any chance to get version 5.5 as in https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=6617.msg45930#msg45930 for a quick try?
Or perhaps I must wait for some magic and the next version?  ;)

I'm out of ideas now.



Too many sessions just indicates that you had too many browser windows open. This is an expected error.

I could reproduce this obscure behavior on one of my virtual Windows machines in Azure. It appears to affect only some apps which use the imatch/user/info endpoint - AppManager, VarToy, .. Other apps just run fine. I will investigate this further tomorrow.


Hi Mario,
you are a wizard  :) I installed the new version 2017.12.1 from today. Everything is working now in apps.

Next todo: Buy a license ... done.  ;)

Happy holidays!



Quote from: ralph on December 10, 2017, 07:21:53 PM
Hi Mario,
you are a wizard  :) I installed the new version 2017.12.1 from today. Everything is working now in apps.

Next todo: Buy a license ... done.  ;)

Happy holidays!


Good luck with IMatch!
I think, you did a good thing.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: ralph on December 10, 2017, 07:21:53 PM
Hi Mario,
you are a wizard  :) I installed the new version 2017.12.1 from today. Everything is working now in apps.

Great. I have to say I have still no clue about why this did not work on some computers. I've made a code change, re-compiled everything, deployed an updated imws.dll to the machine where it was not working and it worked.

The problem was that the /user/info endpoint did not validate the session and returned an error. This means that all aps which require information about the IMatch user (like, the name) to retrieve per-user configuration data failed. The /user/info endpoint is protected by IMWS to prevent abuse. But for the IMWS version running in IMatch the user is per definition always 'valid'. Very strange.

Quote from: ralph on December 10, 2017, 07:21:53 PM
Next todo: Buy a license ... done.  ;)

Yeah! Thanks for your business. Enjoy IMatch.